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« I Hear My Chemo's Going Well | Main | Belle Of The Ball »

November 12, 2009


Patti deserves as many boyfriends as she wants and Buddy is a good choice. The fact that Patti is so loving considering her past abuse is amazing. "Love really does make the world go round!" Thanks RDR for showing Patti true love.

They are a very cute couple. Buddy is a smart and proactive guy. I loved seeing Patti on the Jack Hanna TV show earlier this week. God love her.

Pretty sure that was Buddy's plan all along -- glad you got with the program :)

Yes, I think you caught on to Buddy's plan! But, Patti doesn't look too upset over having only Buddy as a boyfriend. Actually she looks very happy & proud to have such a good looking boyfriend.

Sweet picture - and a darling twosome. :)

Thanks for an update on Buddy (and Patti too). I was wondering how Jake and Buddy were doing. I thought I saw one of them on Jack Hanna's show in the yard with wobbly Allie. Also, I ran across a blog entry about Buddy playing with blind Allie while I was searching for Mitch's intro entry. (I love going back in your archives!!)

Patti is such a special girl; she's made me promise myself to not waste time with pity parties.

Thank you again for letting us get to know your animals thru this blog.

I love Patti so much, its great to see a picture of her looking so well and happy. Every sweet girl deserves a good boy. I'm glad she's found a mate to keep her company. She is a precious dog. Thanks for a new picture of her. I think I see a famous RDR dog SMILE on that beautiful face!

Oh, I was hoping to hear more about Jake and/or Buddy! He looks like such a happy-go-lucky guy - I just hope he's treating Patti well!

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