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October 12, 2009


Wow....the potential for another eye sight miracle is there!!! Here's hoping that Madison can shed those cataracts!! Would love to give her a big hug!

Wow, and I was glad to just get one of my girls in for routine vaccination updates yesterday. What an awesome day to have new hopes for Madison! We're all "crossed" too! Wishing only good things. :)

This could be incredible news for Madison! We hope she's a candidate, keep us posted. You're new house girl may have more reason to celebrate. :)

Wow! Do I dare to hope? She's beautiful no matter what, & a good hugging size, so I'm going to love her no matter what! I do hope that her sight will be returned to her, naturally, but I know that sometimes things just don't work out.
So glad that all the small animals got treated in one day! That's no small feat! Congrats!
Big hugs & hope,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Oh my, I am giddy w/ excitement. I can't control it. That would be the ultimate if she would be able to see & like you said what an awesome thing that 2 dogs would be able to see w/in weeks of each other. I can't wait to find out the results. I keep praying & keeping all fingers & toes crossed. Only will uncross fingers to comment here & vote.

How awesome Brenda can come to RDR & get everyone taken care of in one, long day! But, what a great feeling to know all are done in one fell swoop!!!

Two miracles in a year--I'll take it!! This is beyond exciting! Madison you are so special--well, again aren't they all!!

I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed for Madison.. I just love her face I want to cover it in kisses!!

Well, you can just forget about the not getting excited stuff! I can't control myself!!!! Good Lord, isn't there an appt available today????? lol

Fingers, toes, and everything else crossed for Madison! Its going to be torture waiting another 2 weeks to hear the news! How's Charlie doing?

Fingers, toes, eyes---anything we can cross is crossed!!!

Hey there ya go. Madison WAS watching the Campfire TV from the earlier post.

Wouldn't it be great if Madison could see the scenery whizzing by as she rides in the RTV? (or whatever the correct initials are... farm acronyms confuse me!)
Heck, I'm still excited for Charlie.
How is Helen doing?

Fingers crossed for good news. You're so right,'s hard NOT to be excited at the possibility!!

I'll pray for her. I hope your efforts are being paid by her eyes. She is charming and adorable.

This is awsome...It would be great if she really could see the people who gave her such a warm home,but it probally would not matter to her she already knows that!What a full day it must be giving all the exams,hope all went well and everyone happy and healthy!

Oh that would be SO fantastic for Madison!! I first met her at the Meridian Shelter and she was a heart stealer then. I am soo happy for her that you guys all found each other =) !! My fingers and toe's are crossed!

I'm glad all the exams went well. It is amazing that Dr. Culver and you two were able to get thru all of the small animals in a day. Wouldn't it be great if Madison could get rid of those cataracts and see again. Wow. I'll keep my fingers crossed for her. Heck. I'll bet she is just happy to be inside the people house and getting some extra people time.

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