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« The ASPCA Henry Bergh Award | Main | All Systems Go »

October 18, 2009


The look on Dexter's face says it all THESE ARE MINE! He must be preparing for the cold winter weather.What a cute picture.

I love this dog! My own dachshund mix, Renaldo the Red, likes to burrow under covers or sit on top of piles of things, too. I have a picture of him on top of two beds piled up, with two blankets on top of that, and I stuck a can of peas in between some layers so he was my Prince and the Pea! I don't think I can save a picture in comments.

Great shot Alayne; caught right in the Doxie act of inspecting!
(and maxing a wee bit of a mess but way to cute to be upset with!)

This Margaret is laughing out loud! Those doxies & their blankies. True burroughers. I can't help but think of the princess & the pea... but I think the little DICKENS knows he is a prince.

Clearly Dexter's Other middle name is "Inspector #9" (remember those little white slips you'd find in purchases, "inspected by:" ;>) Just a workin' dog!

That face is just too cute! I love the determination to find a cuddly place to claim for all his own! My cat also does something very similar. I can put down a whole basket of clean linens or clothes, doesn't matter, & he will either pull all the things out of the basket & lay on them or burrow himself in the basket with the things. When he was little you might not see him in the basket & get a big surprise as your hand was attacked. But now that he is 19lbs he is pretty easy to spot hiding in the basket. He believes if I can't see his face that I can't see the rest of his body.

Clever boy!Obviously he had an agenda.

HA HA- Dexter the daffy dachsund does his dastardly deed. He knows comfort when he sees it. I bought one of those new snuggies on the market - they are super warm. Maybe Dexter would like one? and you and Alayne too?

For those of you on Facebook: as part of America's Giving Challenge Rolling Dog Ranch has been entered to win $50,000 if we get the most donations! We can also get a $1,000 prize for the most donations in a 24 hr time period......even a donation of $1 counts! So invite all your friends and let's try to raise some more money for Rolling Dog Ranch!

LOL I have a cat that does something like this. He crawls into the pile and if you aren't careful you may lose a finger when you grab the pile. You go Dexter

I Dexter T. Dickens!

Doxie's and their blankie's! What a sweet photo... and no way, no how, could you get mad at THAT face!

Frankie, the Walk 'N Roll Dog

What a precious face. Looks like he's posing for the cover of Vogue... I mean Dogue.

Bwahahaha....resistance is futile. That is one determined little dog....wherever you put them, he will find them!!

Dexter the Dickens has the biggest eyes and nosel what a cutie - and he knows how cute he is. How has Margaret been? We haven't seen any photos of her for a while. And now she must be indoors because of the cold.

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