As you can probably imagine, we are always doing laundry around here. On any given day we do about five to seven loads, most of it the dog and cat bedding. That means there's always a stack or two (or three) of freshly laundered bedding, neatly folded and waiting to go back to one of the animal cottages. Alas, one of Dexter's favorite activities involves knocking over those stacks and lying down on top of them. It's as if he wants to claim all of the bedding as his own. Being a Dachshund, that seems like a perfectly reasonable proposition.
If he can't knock the stack over because it's too high -- say, on top of the dining table -- he stands up on his hind feet, grabs the bottom piece of bedding with his teeth, and pulls the whole stack off. It was a dining table heist that Alayne captured in the photo above. Needless to say, this can get just a wee bit aggravating, walking into the house and finding the neat stacks of clean bedding knocked onto the floor with a Dachshund perched on top. Although it's just a wee bit difficult to get mad at a face that looks like that.
Please keep voting for us every day in The Animal Rescue Site/PetFinder's Shelter Challenge. Thanks to your votes, we came in third nationwide and won $3,000 for the animals in the previous contest. Now we have a shot at No. 1 and the $20,000 grand prize! Enter "Rolling Dog Ranch" and our state postal code, MT for Montana, and it will bring up our listing so you can cast your vote. Please ask your family and friends to vote, too. Thank you!
The look on Dexter's face says it all THESE ARE MINE! He must be preparing for the cold winter weather.What a cute picture.
Posted by: Kathy and Harley | October 22, 2009 at 02:54 PM
I love this dog! My own dachshund mix, Renaldo the Red, likes to burrow under covers or sit on top of piles of things, too. I have a picture of him on top of two beds piled up, with two blankets on top of that, and I stuck a can of peas in between some layers so he was my Prince and the Pea! I don't think I can save a picture in comments.
Posted by: Adele in the Bronx | October 20, 2009 at 07:57 AM
Great shot Alayne; caught right in the Doxie act of inspecting!
(and maxing a wee bit of a mess but way to cute to be upset with!)
Posted by: boundforglory | October 19, 2009 at 09:51 PM
This Margaret is laughing out loud! Those doxies & their blankies. True burroughers. I can't help but think of the princess & the pea... but I think the little DICKENS knows he is a prince.
Posted by: Margaret | October 19, 2009 at 03:20 PM
Clearly Dexter's Other middle name is "Inspector #9" (remember those little white slips you'd find in purchases, "inspected by:" ;>) Just a workin' dog!
Posted by: Roxie | October 19, 2009 at 02:45 PM
That face is just too cute! I love the determination to find a cuddly place to claim for all his own! My cat also does something very similar. I can put down a whole basket of clean linens or clothes, doesn't matter, & he will either pull all the things out of the basket & lay on them or burrow himself in the basket with the things. When he was little you might not see him in the basket & get a big surprise as your hand was attacked. But now that he is 19lbs he is pretty easy to spot hiding in the basket. He believes if I can't see his face that I can't see the rest of his body.
Posted by: Colleen & Sweet Kitty Erin | October 19, 2009 at 02:13 PM
Clever boy!Obviously he had an agenda.
Posted by: Ev | October 19, 2009 at 01:02 PM
HA HA- Dexter the daffy dachsund does his dastardly deed. He knows comfort when he sees it. I bought one of those new snuggies on the market - they are super warm. Maybe Dexter would like one? and you and Alayne too?
Posted by: Angela | October 19, 2009 at 12:34 PM
For those of you on Facebook: as part of America's Giving Challenge Rolling Dog Ranch has been entered to win $50,000 if we get the most donations! We can also get a $1,000 prize for the most donations in a 24 hr time period......even a donation of $1 counts! So invite all your friends and let's try to raise some more money for Rolling Dog Ranch!
Posted by: Lynne Parker | October 19, 2009 at 10:29 AM
LOL I have a cat that does something like this. He crawls into the pile and if you aren't careful you may lose a finger when you grab the pile. You go Dexter
Posted by: Eric | October 19, 2009 at 10:27 AM
I Dexter T. Dickens!
Posted by: Kristi Gross | October 19, 2009 at 10:20 AM
Doxie's and their blankie's! What a sweet photo... and no way, no how, could you get mad at THAT face!
Frankie, the Walk 'N Roll Dog
Posted by: Barbara Techel | October 19, 2009 at 10:09 AM
What a precious face. Looks like he's posing for the cover of Vogue... I mean Dogue.
Posted by: Lynne Parker | October 19, 2009 at 09:52 AM
Bwahahaha....resistance is futile. That is one determined little dog....wherever you put them, he will find them!!
Posted by: Debbie | October 19, 2009 at 07:55 AM
Dexter the Dickens has the biggest eyes and nosel what a cutie - and he knows how cute he is. How has Margaret been? We haven't seen any photos of her for a while. And now she must be indoors because of the cold.
Posted by: Barb Ribinski | October 19, 2009 at 12:19 AM