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October 11, 2009


Even if I want to do something like you are doing I couldn't have done it because I am not as hardworking as you both are. Hats of to you.

Sweet Fibby, I'm so sorry to hear of her passing but I'm so grateful she went peacefully. You will be missed.

Gabe, I'm really glad you're home as I am sure you are too. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

Rosie, Prayers for you too & hurry home.

I cannot say this enough but Steve & Alayne you are the most generous, loving, caring people. Thank you for what you do.

Welcome home sweet angel Gabriel. RIP Fibby.....say hello for us to all the RDR residents at the Rainbow Bridge.

I'm so sorry to hear about Fibby but so glad that she died peacefully in her sleep. I think that's what we would all choose if given the choice.
I'm so delighted to see precious Gabe back at home! He touches my heart. I know that he's overjoyed that he was treated so well & got to go on weekend stays with his treatment tech, but there's no place like home.
I'm hoping that Rosie will soon be home as well & doing great.
Big hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Glad to hear that Rosie and Gabe are doing well and so sorry to hear about Fibby. I'm sure Gabe knows what a gem of a home that he has found at the RDR. He must realize that, when he was away, he felt so much better on his return. I'm sure he understand how much you have done for him and is glad to be home!

I'm sorry you lost Fibby. My 10yo serious-heart-murmur won't-live-past-a-year cat passed the same way. Stretched out in the sunshine, looked ever so peaceful as I'm sure she was.

Glad Gabe is home though - he's got SUCH a sweet face!!! Looking forward to hearing news of Rosie's homecoming too!

I'm so sorry to hear of Fibby's passing! He was a beautiful boy; I too am glad it was a peaceful death. I'm thinking of Tibby as well, I don't know how close they were but she'll certainly know he's not around.

We're glad Gabe is home for good and are sending Rosie good health wishes so she can come home soon too.

Oh Gabe aren't you the sweetest thing!! That photo is pure happiness!

RIP Fibby, in my opinion that is the ultimate way go to - peacefully and loved to bits.

Sorry to hear about Fibby. Glad Gabe is doing well. You guys are angels.

Every now and then you post an "afterthought" on one of your companions (the one that comes to mind is one of the big horse-brothers dying) that says so-and-so died six months ago and... I guess if you didn't, posts would be like this more often. A bit of big happiness and a bit of big sadness, all in a few moments for you.
Whether you can write about it right away or after some time, we all feel with you...both ways. Happy for Gabe, so very sorry for Fibby.

Dear Steve & Alayne, I'm so sorry about Fibby, who died at such a young age!:-(

On a much brighter note: Gabe looks so content (in spite of the cone:-)) sleeping at home, finally!

I can't wait to read that Rosie has come back too.

A big hug to you all from Italy.

Home sweet home to stay for Gabe. I'm sooooooooo sad and shocked to hear about full of life last time I saw him. I have many pictures of Fibby because he was so full of personality and those eyes!! I am very sad.

Glad to read that Gabe is coming home. Of course he recognizes you. You have been his constant...constantly there for him.
Sad to read about Fibby. How lucky she was to leave so peacefully to go to the other side.
Keeping my fingers crossed about Miss Rosie.
I tried to vote yesterday evening but for some reason it didn't work. Oh well.
You all are n umber 1 in my book. Ev

I'm sure Tibby will miss Fibby...I'm sorry and hope you give Tibby a kiss for me.

Your blogs bring me to tears all the time - this one got me both ways - I was so happy to hear that Gabe is happy and home and then Fibby - dang it! God Bless you all.

I think your animals connect so well to you guys when they're on their way home because they know they're going home to their pack. Whether it be their human or animal pack, they know they will be loved and cared after by many beings. :)

RIP, sweet Fibby. You were in a fine place for life and for death.

Gabe, no matter where you are, you're home at RDR with Steve and Alayne. I hope you get to stay a while now!! Speedy and FULL recovery for you, darlin' boy.

Rosie, hang in there. You, too, will be home soon.

Oh, I'm so sad for poor Fibby! He was only about 2 years old, wasn't he? I had a kitty who passed away the same way - no sign of anything other than sleep. As you said, at least it was peaceful. And given that both kittens were on death row when you got them, Fibby still got 2 more years than he would have otherwise. Its just a shame that once he found his true home at RDR, his life there was so short. Bless you in Heaven, Fibby.

Thank God fibby did not have to suffer and that you did not have to make a decision on her fate,even thought sometimes it is best so they don't have to suffer.Gabe looks so content to be home and we'll say a pprayer for Rosie to have a great recovery and to get home soon.THANK YOU again Steve and Alayne for all you provide for these animals.

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