For Alayne and me, this is the ultimate satisfaction: giving a blind animal his or her sight back. We've only had the opportunity to do this once before -- several years ago with a blind puppy named Cody. It was thrilling then, and it was just as thrilling today. Charlie the blind Beagle is now Charlie the seeing Beagle.
I left the ranch this morning at 5 a.m. with Charlie and blind Gabe in the truck, headed for Washington state. My first stop was Spokane, where I dropped off Charlie at the Animal Eye Clinic, and from there I continued on to Pullman, where I left Gabe at the WSU veterinary teaching hospital to start his three-week course of radiation therapy. Then I made the return trip to Spokane.
While I was en route to Pullman and back, our veterinary ophthalmologist, Dr. Bill Yakely, performed cataract surgery on Charlie. In late July our vet in Helena, Dr. Brenda Culver, had done an ERG, or electroretinogram, test on Charlie to see if his retinas were firing. We had conflicting results the first time (we found out later it was due to an issue with one of the probes) and had to re-test. The second time the ERGs were consistent for both eyes, and Dr. Yakely confirmed Charlie was a candidate for the phacoemulsification surgery to remove his cataracts.
Even in the exam room this afternoon, still groggy from the anesthesia, I watched Charlie walk right through the open door -- and I could tell it wasn't a fluke, he could see where it was. No bumping into the wall. I took him outside for a brief walk in the parking lot, and I noticed he would walk right up to vehicles and stop a few inches from them, then look up. I let him find his way between the parked cars, and again, he never bumped into anything as he walked. He only had a little trouble with his depth perception when stepping off curbs, but that will come with time as his eyes and brain learn to work together again.
His biggest problem this evening is just that dang cone on his head. That's the part he can't figure out. He keeps catching the bottom of it on the ground and then thinks someone hit the brakes on him, so he stops. I lift up his cone and off he goes again. I took these outside shots after we got back to the hotel and I let him off leash in the big yard at the back of the building. He'd see something happening off in the parking area and stand there looking at it:
I tell you, watching him actually see again just gives me goose-bumps.
We have one complication from the surgery. His lenses were very dense -- about the worst Dr. Yakely had seen -- presumably because he had these cataracts for a long, long time. That made removing them tricky. His left lens was loose, and to hold it in place for the surgery, Dr. Yakely had to insert a capsular tension ring to add rigidity to the lens capsule. (It stays in with the new lens implant.) During his pre-discharge exam this afternoon, Dr. Yakely noticed through his slit-lamp that the capsular tension ring had shifted.
Here's a photo of Dr. Yakeley and his vet tech Dawn D. doing that exam:
It's possible the ring may shift back into place on its own overnight, but if not, Dr. Yakely may have to do a follow-up procedure tomorrow to get the ring back into the correct position. We won't know until he does another exam on Charlie tomorrow morning.
In the meantime, as I've been writing this post, Charlie has been wandering around the hotel room, never bumping into a thing. It is just so amazing to watch him navigate around the coffee table, chairs, the suitcase on the floor ... oh my, what a great feeling it is to see that.
Most interesting of all, he keeps returning to the full-length mirror on the closet door to stare at himself:
Is he saying to himself, "Goodness, what a handsome Beagle I am!"
Just like Teddy and Gabe and Helen and all the others for whom we can provide world-class veterinary care, it's only possible because of the generous gifts we receive for the animals. Charlie's surgery will cost about $2,800 -- and I know there is no one who thinks the gift of sight isn't worth that and a whole lot more. Alayne and I are just so grateful for your donations that allow us to do something like this! Thank you!
Please vote for us every
day in The Animal Rescue
Site/PetFinder's Shelter Challenge.
"Rolling Dog Ranch" and our state postal code, MT for Montana,
and it will bring up our listing so you can cast your vote.
I was touched by your story. It gave me goose bumps! I love the picture of Charlie looking at the mirror. I am so glad that Charlie can see now. To Alayne and the vet who did the operation Congratulations and God bless you. You did a wonderful job :)
Posted by: kaye pet clinics | November 05, 2010 at 01:42 PM
I loved your article it has great information. I think you and your readers might be interested in another article I found, about dogs and dry eyes.
Posted by: Joey | February 23, 2010 at 12:07 PM
One can only imagine what must be going through Charlie's mind.
Posted by: Rita Boatright | November 19, 2009 at 09:21 PM
I was told about you guys from a good friend in Kentucky. I make a meager contribution every month.
It gives me chill bumps to see stories like this. I vote for you guys every day. Keep it up. Wish I could do more.
Posted by: Susan Bracken | October 17, 2009 at 09:29 PM
I totally understand how you feel. I had a dog many years ago who had this surgery--when I picked her up that afternoon and took her for a walk, she was running down the street. The ophthalmologist in Seattle has a quote from the bible in his office: Let there be light.....
Seeing an animal who can properly process light again gives that quote a whole new meaning. Kudos to you guys for giving this little guy what he needed.
Posted by: Karen Stone | October 16, 2009 at 04:23 AM
Yay for Charlie! The gifts you give these animals always amazes me! You are angels for these animals and truly great people!
Posted by: Kristopher Leino | October 16, 2009 at 12:42 AM
Heart warming stuff. You guys deserve medals for the work you do
Posted by: Nathan | October 15, 2009 at 07:28 PM
This is an amazing gift for Charlie. He seems like such a cool dog! Thank you for giving such care to a great animal that most people would think is a lost cause. I'm going to go vote for you now! :)
Posted by: Jen | October 15, 2009 at 01:53 PM
Dr. Yakely is wonderful. He takes care of my aging poodle, Sidney's eyes. His bedside manner and his calm demeanor just add to his skills as Spokane's favorite animal eye doc. Thank you Dr. for helping not-blind-anymore Charlie.
Posted by: Pam P | October 15, 2009 at 01:20 PM
hi- such a miracle you have seen. my 8 yo min poodle i just got was age blind with a white film over corneas, then in 3 weeks of a natural patented product is now able to see. such joy. patricia and blackie.
Posted by: patricia l egger | September 22, 2009 at 12:31 PM
You guys are awesome! We rescued a beagle mix (bobby) who was blind from cataracts. At first the specialist told us that he wouldn't get much vision back, but thank goodness, he was mistaken. There is nothing like watching a blind dog see again and I was privileged enough to be there when that happened. Bobby lives with my in-laws now and he is KING there.
Thank you so much for everything that you do for these guys.
Posted by: Suzanne | September 18, 2009 at 03:49 PM
A huge thank you to to all the medical staff, Doctors, & donors as well as you & Alayne for making it possible for Charlie to have the wonderful gift of sight.
The picture of him looking in the mirror I immediately thought, Charlie meet Charlie! I am so thrilled for him & for you all to be able to experience such joy when recently a few furry friends health issues have worried all of us.
Posted by: Colleen & Sweet Kitty Erin | September 17, 2009 at 12:09 AM
I have goose bumps and tears! Bravo for Charlie, this is what makes it all woth it!! Blessing to you all.
Posted by: Doe George | September 16, 2009 at 10:07 PM
yeah! How awesome! Congratulations, Charlie!!!!
Posted by: Rich Y | September 16, 2009 at 07:56 PM
oh Steve, you made me cry again! This is so great for Charlie!!!
Posted by: Kristi Gross | September 16, 2009 at 03:36 PM
Charlie what a great new world for you!!! I hope it was all you thought and more. Medical miracles do happen and you are very lucky!!!!! I hope now you can find a great home either at the ranch or with a family. Love, Cheryl
Posted by: Cheryl Pohl | September 16, 2009 at 03:08 PM
This is what it is all about, what a wonderful post. I am so happy for Charlie & for you & Alayne too, what a great feeling you must have watching Charlie being able to see. Thanks for making this happen for him.
Posted by: Kathy | September 16, 2009 at 02:45 PM
What great news. Kisses and Belly rubs to Charlie!
Posted by: Debbie B. | September 16, 2009 at 02:37 PM
I agree with Charlie's Self Diagnosis - What a handsome Beagel he is!!!
Such an amazing thing to do and thank you to everyone involved!!
Posted by: Maree in NZ | September 16, 2009 at 02:32 PM
How wonderful! This is so great to hear, thank you for sharing it, it brought tears (of gladness!). I'm so glad these guys have you and Alayne to help them enjoy their lives to the fullest! Thank you!
Posted by: Dawn | September 16, 2009 at 02:15 PM
Lucky lucky Charlie. Don't you wonder what he is thinking? I do.
Posted by: Ev | September 16, 2009 at 01:33 PM
Charlie is unbelievably handsome. I can't even imagine what he is thinking, being able to see now. I love the picture of him looking at his handsome mug in the mirror!
This story warms my heart. Thank you for giving this happy pup his eyesight back!
Posted by: Carisa J | September 16, 2009 at 01:19 PM
Congratulations!!!! That is just wonderful news for you and Charlie, you made my day just reading about it!!
Posted by: Katy | September 16, 2009 at 12:51 PM
As I read your post and scrolled down to the photo of Charlie looking in the mirror, I experienced that "burst" into tears thing. Oh happy day !!
Good luck Gabe.
Posted by: Lynn (in Louisiana) | September 16, 2009 at 12:32 PM
Charlie, you are truly one handsome beagle! This is amazing that Charlie has regained the gift of sight.....great news to start off my morning!
Posted by: Nina | September 16, 2009 at 12:18 PM
Goosebumps here, too, and all choked up with delight for Charlie, you and everyone that made this MIRACLE happen.
LOOKING at himself in the mirror... simply priceless. Just wait till he sees the poodle sisters! :)
Posted by: Margaret | September 16, 2009 at 12:14 PM
These last few posts have been so wonderful and positive.
I appreciate you letting us know how much these surgeries cost. I've adopted a mini schnauzer in the early stages of cataracts and it helps to know what I'm facing. Thanks again for all you do for these little souls.
Posted by: Lynne Parker | September 16, 2009 at 10:54 AM
All I can say is WOW...... Best wishes to Charlie!
Posted by: Suzanne | September 16, 2009 at 10:33 AM
Posted by: Ice Pony Girl | September 16, 2009 at 10:29 AM
At a boy charlie. Now he can enjoy the sceneary as he rides home in the truck. Steve don't take it personnal if he becomes a right seat driver.
Posted by: Eric | September 16, 2009 at 10:20 AM
How absolutely wonderful!!! Just love the photo of Charlie looking at himself in the mirror. Wonder what he thinks of that cone? Did he think he was an alien? Ha!
Way to go, Charlie!!
~Barbara & Frankie, the Walk 'N Roll Dog
Posted by: Barbara Techel | September 16, 2009 at 10:07 AM
Your post brings tears to my eyes. I'm so happy for Charlie, you and Alayne. What a beautiful story.
Posted by: Cathy | September 16, 2009 at 09:55 AM
We're so happy Charlie has his sight back...incredible!!
I love the photo of Charlie staring off at something that caught his eyes...caught his eyes, because now he can see!!
Thank you to everyone who played a part to make this happen.
Posted by: boundforglory | September 16, 2009 at 09:11 AM
How wonderful! Reading this post made my day start off right. Have fun Charlie!
Posted by: Lynda | September 16, 2009 at 08:50 AM
I'm so happy for Charlie. I only wish I could do restore my own mare's sight! The pic of him staring into the mirror is priceless. Could you get him the inflatable collar instead of the cone? I find my dogs have a much easier time with it, and don't try nearly as hard to get it off.
Posted by: Darcie | September 16, 2009 at 08:38 AM
What a medical miracle! I love the photo of Charlie checking himself out in the mirror! Thanks to all the medical staff, Doctors, & donors as well as you & Alayne for making sure that Charlie got this precious gift. Better than Christmas, huh Charlie?
Big hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit
Posted by: ginger | September 16, 2009 at 08:30 AM
That is such a wonderful story - but my favorite part is the mirror!! If that doesn't speak volumes about the whole thing, I don't know what does.
You are amazing and an inspiration. Keep up the great work!!
Posted by: Kenna | September 16, 2009 at 08:06 AM
You know, stories like this deserve to be shared far and wide...I sure wish one of the news services would do stories on this miracle of science and dedication to a cause...the world needs more good news! Enjoy, sweet deserve it.
Posted by: Debbie | September 16, 2009 at 07:58 AM
Oh, how wonderful. I absolutely love the picture of him looking at himself. Don't you wish you knew what he was thinking. What a handsome beagle boy he is!!!
Posted by: Jennie Wiseman | September 16, 2009 at 07:19 AM
Glorious news!!! You just made my day, Steve & Alayne.:-)
I'm so very happy for Charlie!
God bless you all.
Posted by: Carla Polastro-Nigro | September 16, 2009 at 03:48 AM
Talk about "a whole new world"--we are thrilled for Charlie. Thank you Steve and Alayne for making this possible and all those who support RDR's important mission on saving disable animals. Thrilling is right!!!!
Started voting yesterday...
Posted by: Shirley * James/Portland, OR | September 16, 2009 at 01:48 AM
We are so lucky to have such a skilled and compassionate eye surgeon as Dr. Yakely, here in Spokane. And how incredibly wonderful that he worked his magic with Charlie, and restored his sight. Your love and dedication has given Charlie one of the dearest gifts bestowed man or animal: restoring the most important and life- affirming "sense" of them all: Vision. Thank You for his gift, and our joy at the outcome, Steve & Alayne!
Posted by: Barbara Arenal | September 16, 2009 at 12:58 AM
My gosh, I never knew that was possible and what an amazing gift to be able to see again, I can't begin to imagine. At least the "cone dog" life won't last too long! Congratulations Charlie!
Posted by: Shauna at WSU | September 15, 2009 at 11:55 PM
oh yeah. i now exactly how this feels! my dear frank the std. poodle developed cataracts in his youth of 8 years... and last year we had the same surgery done on him. it was AMAZING! he could SEE again! he was SO EXCITED being able to see squirrels and cats and other interesting dog things again. and no matter how you try to explain it with words- there is no way to do so. i almost cry right now thinking about how happy he was- and is to see again.
(that cone drove us both crazy!... poor thing- his ears got pretty stinky from all the drool caused by the pain killers. and navigating the food bowl was torture but he acts like a puppy again... happy bouncy and confident!)
BTW...that was almost the same price we paid for franks surgery here in houston. a bargain!
YAY RDR! YAY Charlie.
Posted by: darla | September 15, 2009 at 11:33 PM
Congratulations, Charlie, and three big cheers for everyone who gave him the gift of sight!
Posted by: Moon Rani | September 15, 2009 at 10:55 PM
That's great news Steve! Made my day. I'll also start voting today.
Michele Troxel
Posted by: Michele Troxel | September 15, 2009 at 10:53 PM
What a joy! The picture of Charlie looking at himself in the mirror is priceless and precious. Thank you, Steve and Alayne, for making this miracle happen.
What's going to happen with the Austin vs Charlie growling slapdown tournaments now? Does vision put Charlie in another division?
Posted by: Debbie Burke | September 15, 2009 at 10:43 PM
OOO - that brought tears to my eyes - what a wonderful gift to
give to anyone be it animal or human! I will vote everyday - twice and ssshhh don't tell! Thank
you for all you do for these guys.
Mo and the 5 Pugs : )
Posted by: Maureen Bishop | September 15, 2009 at 10:37 PM
I'm in tears...there are no words for this kind of miracle, the gift of sight. God bless you, Alayne, his rescuer, the vet who tested his eyes, the vet who did the surgery, and of course, little Charlie himself. This is an incredible day.
Posted by: Heidi, Emmett, and Moxie | September 15, 2009 at 10:32 PM
Steve and Charlie, congratulations! That is an absolutely wonderful story!
And yes, he is a very handsome boy!
Posted by: JC | September 15, 2009 at 10:28 PM