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« Update on Deaf Stuart | Main | More Feline Contemplation »

September 07, 2009


I have a contribution going to you guys every month. And While I love getting the updates in the mail, could you please email the newsletter instead of mailing it? That's a few more cents that can go to food! Thanks

Is this Heaven? No. Is this Iowa? No. Then it HAS to be Rollingdog Ranch!!!!! (think Field of Dreams)

I am so happy to be back on the "regular monthly" donor list. Stories like this make it all worth while!! Keep up the good work. My monthly donation will not stop!!

Just a GREAT story!!!! I cannot imagine what it must have been like for Gabe to gain his ability to smell....! Sensory overload!

I love you guys! What a great story! And GO GO GO GABE!

You guys are amazing -- what love and understanding for these fortunate animals. Thanks for all you do.

You people are amazing and I wish there were so many more people doing such good deeds for our furry friends. Gabe is a lucky guy. Animals are so appreciative of kindness and caring, especially if they lived without it.
Here's to a long and happy life for Gabe.

I have recently worked with and successfully placed a blind dog into it's forever home. I cannot stress how important it is that any dog be able to breathe correctly but also to scent. It is even more necessary for a blind dog who uses scent to help them navigate their world. Our blind girl taught us many things and she is living the good life. I'm so happy that Gabe's world is now a wonderful place for him to explore thanks to Rolling Dog Ranch.

I absolutely fell in love with that smiling face! What wonderful work you all do for all the fur kids--it's an honor to vote for RDR in the Shelter challenge. Let's get the $20,000! Thanks to Shirley & James for picking up this sweet Gabe. Please give him tummy tickles and hugs from me.

This one of the happiest, happiest, happiest stories I have ever sobbed through. Gabe was given a second chance at enjoying life at one of the most wonderful places on Earth. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping him feel better. His gorgeous, joyful face just makes my day.

I'm so happy for him. I know his world is so much sweeter now.

Such a nice happy ending

This is a wonderful story, and Gabe looks like a really sweet dog. Please keep us posted on his recovery!

I'm so glad Gabe is better.
Had to laugh at the photo, though, with all those bars in the background. Who's the warden and who's the inmate? ;)

Roxie (the gopher-obsessed lab mix) and her owner think that's the best nose job we've ever seen. Roxie wishes Gabe many happy scent-filled days hanging out with his new pack (humans included of course), and perhaps even a whiff of gopher, raccoon, or other local varmints as Ovando may provide. Ah what sweet perfume to the discerning canine! C'est la joie de vivre! Gabe deserves no less.

Gabe has stolen my heart... and now he can enjoy his life even more.... thank you for what you do

Thats great, now his world is open, I am so happy for him. Thanks you guys for all you 2 do.

I'm thrilled that Gabe is back at the RDR & can now Smell! What a fantastic bonus for him. That first pic of him says it all, he's one happy camper!
Thanks to Shirley & James for saving you that long drive to p.u. Gabe. That was so thoughtful of them. It's amazing how wonderful people come together to help out.
I don't think it will be anytime at all before Gabe's scar is not even noticable, & even so, that's a small price to pay for the bonus he got out of the surgery. Please give him some big hugs from me. I'm so glad he's home.
Big hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Thank you for all you two do for our animal family!

That's just one of the happiest stories ever so how come I'm crying?! I tried to wrap my head around the fact that Gabe had no world. How depressed he must have been. Now it's like a blind person being given sight. He has a world again. Gabe can at least smell his world and look what joy it has brought. What a beautiful and happy face! Blessing to all!

Pass the kleenex.... Heck, pass the whole box my way! Hurrah for RDR....and giving Gabe a new life! Gabe, go out there and smell everything!!!

Oh my - just look how happy he is in the top photo!! That makes it all worthwhile!!

Look at that smile! It says it all!

It just doesn't get much better than this! That happy expression says it all. Let's have one more big celebration when the radiation is through and a very happy life, Gabe!

Look at the happy face!!! I am inspired by these animals who go through so much, and I am inspired by you both who invest everything you can to allow them comfort and happiness!

AH Gabe you look like such a happy baby now! - may you sniff to your heart's content - blessings and thanks to all of you who got him to a much better place. Happy sniffin sweet Gabe.

At a Boy Gabe!!! The Scar kind of helps him look like a Pirate dog.Thank you for the update. My day is better knowing he has rediscovered a new wonder in life.

The first picture of Gabe is certainly the happiest I've ever seen him! A new life has unfolded for him and all he knows is that the world smells...good and bad...beautiful!!!

Thank you for helping out with transportation Shirley and James!

I thought about it some more. We all have little things that bother us all the time--tight muscles, pains in the back or leg or somewhere--and we all work around it. We take meds or see masseuses or physical therapists to help make the pain go away. And we know how good it feels when we feel better.

Imagine a dog (or cat or horse or pig) who's had this same discomfort. They can't do anything about it. But imagine, also, how good it feels when it goes away.

This must be close to just how good Gabe must feel at this moment. Mostly deaf, blind, and can't smell. Head probably feels like it's going to explode, can barely swallow and really don't care about food because you can't taste it anyway. Finally, such relief! Enjoy your new head, Gabe!

Wonderful, wonderful news about sweet Gabe!!! In the top picture, he looks as if he were smiling broadly (and he would have plenty of good reasons to do just that:-))...

God bless you, Alayne & Steve, for all you keep doing for the RDR furkids!

Gabe is a wonderful boy and we will miss him on our way back to Portland, OR but he won't miss being with us since he has such an awesome home at the RDR. TWO THUMBS UP again to Alayne and Steve!!!

Bless his heart. I am so happy for him. Way to go RDR and vets. You have done it again. You are all incredible.

Way to go Gabe! I am so thrilled to read about your recovery and your start of a happy loving life at Rolling Dog Ranch.
Thank you so much for what you do for these animals. All of you at the ranch are in my prayers daily. You are much appreciated.

That's enough to make your readers tear up too. Bless!

Wow....Gabe has a new lease on life! He has just begun to explore his life at the ranch. Looks like a real happy boy!

How exciting to have that little darling back home and looking so well and happy! God bless him! Made my day......I will be praying for successful radiation treatments and that all goes well!

What an amazing turnaround for Gabe. Happy eating, tasting, and smelling, little one. p.s. love your scar!!

Such good news! It must be extremely gratifying to see such an immediate change in attitude after what must have been a painful surgery. I'm so happy that Gabe has his world back!

What a joy-filled post! I'm as thrilled as if Gabe were my dog. Best wishes - - and big hugs - - to him for a full recovery.

How wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!! for Gabe and for you two. This must be one of the most rewarding rescues you've had so far. And thank you to the doctors and staff of WSU.

What a great outcome. He must feel like a new dog. How lucky he is to have someone like the two of you to take care of him. And he does look happy in that photo. Here's hoping that he'll have many happy and healthy years ahead of him.

Yeah, what a happy occasion to have Gabe home and smelling everything, he looks great. Thanks again for all yoou do for these very special fuzzy "people"

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