You know you've been coming to a veterinary teaching hospital a lot when you walk up to the front desk and they hand you your file and sign-in sheets before you've even said who you are. Yes, they recognize me by sight now. Uh oh.
I took the photo of our oncologist, Dr. Janean Fidel, examining blind Gabe this afternoon. His MRI is scheduled for tomorrow morning. We won't know until she has a chance to review the images whether we are looking at surgery and radiation, or just radiation. This has to do with the location and size of the tumor, how far it's spread inside his nasal passages, etc. Dr. Fidel also said that sometimes the initial biopsy sample can result in a pathology report of fibrosarcoma, but deeper inside the growth it's actually a different kind of cancer ... which can change both the treatment and outcome.
So we'll know much more tomorrow.
Gabe did fine on the trip out from Montana, though he stood up in the back seat the entire time! Only when I stopped for gas did he actually lie down. We had the back seats removed in both trucks and covered the floor with thick, fleece blankets, so it's a very comfy place to snooze -- but for some reason he wanted to stand up for the entire 5-hour long drive. Needless to say, by the time we got to WSU, he was one tired boy ... and then he promptly went to sleep on the hard linoleum floor of the exam room. I told Gabe he has this whole thing backwards!
While I was en route to Pullman, Dr. Jennifer Rockwell called me to say Teddy was doing "fantastic," but that she really couldn't explain the turn-around in his condition. In fact, his glucose level is lower and more stable than it was during his previous long stay at the clinic ... and this after the crisis we had with him Sunday evening. His ultrasound is scheduled for tomorrow, and unless our internal medicine specialist, Dr. Britt Culver, finds something new, Jennifer will go ahead and do his dental work. For now, as Jennifer said, the "medical mystery" continues with the little tyke.
I just know they're going to get Gabe's cancer figured out and licked. What a good boy he is.
Teddy is no medical mystery - it is all the love and prayers he is getting from outside the ranch and all the love and care he is getting inside the ranch on top of it!
Posted by: Lesa | August 26, 2009 at 11:28 PM
Gabe, we're pulling for you to have the least possible problems, so you'll be all well & back @ the RDR in no time at all. I guess he was really anxious about going to the specialists!
So glad to hear that Teddy has done a great altho mysterious turn around.
Big hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit
Posted by: ginger | August 26, 2009 at 09:36 PM
Tomorrow is a big day for these boys (and you)! Keeping you in my prayers
Posted by: sharon | August 26, 2009 at 03:20 PM
I was afraid that with Teddy's emergency, Gabe's appt would have to be rescheduled. Thank you, Steve and Alayne, for working so hard. A true labor of love situation, that's what RDR is for sure.
Good luck Gabe!!!!!
Posted by: Lynn (in Louisiana) | August 26, 2009 at 11:11 AM
Gabe is so handsome -- and it s/l our prayers for Teddy are working - I am so glad.
Posted by: Angela | August 26, 2009 at 10:32 AM
At least Gabe was able to relax at the Vet's; but it took a standing up 5 hour ride to do it!!
Gabe and Teddy are in good hands all around. : )
Posted by: boundforglory | August 26, 2009 at 09:05 AM
Gabe must have some Spartan blood in his veins!;-)
I'm sending lots of positive thoughts across the Atlantic to him and Teddy.
God bless you all.
Posted by: Carla Polastro-Nigro | August 26, 2009 at 03:41 AM
We'll take a medical mystery happily. Oh Gabe you silly one--standing the entire time like it was a football game. Our prayers go out to both boys!
Posted by: Shirley * James/Portland, OR | August 26, 2009 at 12:45 AM
Yay Teddy !!! We are all pulling for you!!!
Mo and the 4 pugs...
Posted by: Maureen Bsihop | August 25, 2009 at 09:23 PM
Steve-They should do a reality show on RDR......all the tears, fears, and joys. Wouldn't all the animals make amazing stars! Oh humans too!
Posted by: Marla | August 25, 2009 at 09:09 PM