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« And The Winner Of The Quilt Raffle Is... | Main | Another Update on Teddy »

July 27, 2009


Oliver you need to get Austin to teach you his hiding techniques!!

Congratulations! I am so excited you won 3rd place. I voted every day & it did feel strange not to vote. It felt like I was forgetting to do something. Anything I can possibly do to help your great efforts count me in. I wish I lived closer to come for a visit & meet everyone. To visit RDR one day is on my Dream List. And then you'll be blogging about me.... Title: "The Lady Who Came for a Visit & Never Left!" I enjoy all the pictures & wonderful stories you share every day! God bless you & Alayne & everyone who makes it possible for you to do what you do!

Voting every day for such a wonderful cause is nothing compared to what you do everyday!!


Congratulations! Maybe next time, if each of us gets 1 or 2 friends to vote daily, you'll get SECOND prize!!!

Congratulations!! It is well deserved and will go to good use. How funny those dogs are! Such characters.

Congratulations Alayne and Steve!

I'm happy, in anyway I can, to help our beloved furry friends at RDR. Big hugs and smooches to all!

You are most welcome - and CONGRATULATIONS!! A click is the least I can do - wish I lived lots closer - would come visit the ranch if possible. In the meantime, these great pictures and stories are a real and special treat.

Well, I have to be honest. I'm sooooo glad that darn contest is over. It seemed to take forever with my ol' dial up. But, sincere congrats on your winnings !!! Funny thing though.... I voted every day and only got a picture of a dog once (on the last day), kept getting that darn scary, grey snake.

Austin cracks me up.

My morning routine is all messed up now. Maybe I'll just vote for something somewhere...anything.

Have a wonderful week!

Congrats...I think you did get third place. Very cool..thanks supporters!!
It does seem like my routine is broken up now that the shelter challenge is over. 24 days until a new habit, we have 22 more to go. ; )

I click on their website daily, so voting was just an extension of my daily routine...glad you took #3!

"it's kind of odd not having to vote in the Shelter Challenge today, isn't it? "
Yes , I was wandering around like a lost puppy : ^ )
I'll make some leashes and send them your way !
Congrats and Bless You

( bleaf Dave's seeing eye person LOL )

I think the RDR beagles are building a BUB (Beagle Underground Base). According to UFO lore UFO's use underground bases as parking garages. This fits in with my idea that beagles are indeed from Venus or even another solar system. PS I'm in Phnom Penh on business but can't skip my RDR fix.


Congrats! I felt like part of a daily routine was missing...I would read the new RDR blog entry Sun-Thurs and then vote. I had a calendar reminder set for Fri-Sat. :)

So happy for you all!

Verdell the rescue dog
Melvin the rescue cat

So I guess it is time to take the direct link out of my browser Quick Links.


My workday routine will not be same.....congratulations on 3rd place!!!

Whatever will I do---no animal (picture) to identify each day!!??

Greetings from Kansas!!

You are has become a daily habit and a very good habit it seems. An early CONGRATS on the 3rd place win. RDR is now on the national map. You know I have to is Miss Callie doing?

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