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July 26, 2009


I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to

say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


My husband just came home carrying a box with a big question mark on his face. "Who do we know in MT that would be sending you something?" Soon as I saw the return address I started yelling, "I won, I won!" Then confirmed it when I opened the box. It is even more lovely than in the pictures, and will go in a place of honor on our wall, soon as I find a good mounting board. It is really special since we are dog lovers and my husband is a Deputy with Lewis Co. Sheriffs Office. I'll send pictures as soon as it's up. Thank you Barbara & Scott Edwards for your work at supporting RDR. Now, everyone who comments on it will get a recommendation to my favorite Charity.

Thank You, Diane and Brad Borden,
Dogs Kodi, Schatzy, Sandy, & Dolly
Cats Bubba, Dodger, Marcel, Marceaux, and Lucifer
Horses Missy and Country

I'm so glad that the amount of raffle tickets sold was lifted so the RDR could get more money out of this very generous gift! Thanks so much again to Barbara & Scott Edwards for your persistent support of RDR as I know those quilts don't come together overnight. Congrats to the winner of the raffle Diane B. & all who purchased raffle tickets! There are no "losers" in this deal. What a great amount was raised for the RDR! That's fantastic! Big hugs to Barbara & Scott for all that hard work & consistently supporting RDR! What a great example for all the rest of us.
Big hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Congratulations to Diane B. of Chehalis, Washington

Barbara & Scott Edwards thank you for such a fantastic donation & the support you provide to RDR!

And the REAL winners are all the furry kids at RDR!!!!

What wonderful friends Barbara & Scott are to the Ranch. Fourth year.....I think that makes it a tradition!!

Psst Kelly: click on the link in this blog entry for a photo of this year's quilt. :)

I hope we get to see the quilt-I always love to see them!

Barbara & Scott- Awesome! Great way to support RDR! You must be thrilled to make such an impact!

Thank you Barbara and Scott for your time and support to the ranch!! Congrats Alyane, Steve, and all the lil and big furries :)

What a thrill for Diane; bet she has a place for the quilt already. : )

Great donation for the ranch too!
It feels good to roll in a little green, doesn't it. ; )

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