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« Oh, Girls, Puleeeze! | Main | Update on Callie »

May 21, 2009


Ahhh....definiately a happy look on Rosie's face!

Thanks for the great shoe job Rich! Hope we get to see your smile next time you visit the ranch. : )

"Are you gelin'?" I hope your ouchy feet feel better.

Happy Memorial Day, Steve and Alayne. Remembering all of the loved ones that have scampered and trotted across the Rainbow Bridge ahead of us.

We have a horse that had this problem too, and started giving him HoofPower, and you can see the line of stronger hoof growth. He hasn't had to have shoes for a couple years now. I wonder if they would donate the product to you!!

Ah, new spring shoes. What all girls want! Rosie is a beauty!

Well it sure is nice to meet you Rosie !! I don't recall knowing you before now. Glad you got your new shoes for the new season. Enjoy the pasture this weekend !! Say hello to Roy for me if you "see" him.

Happy Memorial Day to all.

I'm sure the new shoes are the latest in horse shoe spring/summer fashion. Only the best for Rosie.
I'm voting every day at the shelter challange website.

A horse story! Yea. Thank you. Now how are those cute goats and the kitty cats doing?

I'm so glad your weather is finally warmer so the animals can get outside. I sure it makes them feel good. How is Callie? We haven't heard anything for a while and I'm concerned her inner ear problem isn't getting better. Is she doing OK? Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone but please vote every day! It takes less than a minute.

What a lucky girl - all girls love new shoes! And how relieved she must be to walk and run without pain.
I love seeing spring coming to your part of the world; we are gradually slipping into winter here - no snow, but nightly frost makes getting up for work and school a very painful experience!!

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