I apologize for the quality of these photos, but I shot them through the storm door at Widget's House the other evening -- and there are a lot of noses that get pressed up against the glass every day! Our blind Poodle sisters, Priscilla on the left and Molly on the right, were wrestling like mad with each other. Their erstwhile boyfriend Trooper was acting bored and ignoring the mayhem occurring right behind him as he stared at me through the door. That's blind Cedar on the right, not too sure what the girls are up to, and on the far left is blind Samantha's rump.
Trooper often launches into the fray when the girls are feeling this frisky, but not this time. No, he just seemed vaguely ... well, above it all. A minute or two before I took that previous shot, he had looked over his shoulder at them like this:
After they cleared off the porch, I stepped outside with the camera to see if I could get some more shots of the girls in action, but Molly had just taken off, leaving Priscilla wondering what had just happened to her sister:
When blind dogs are roughhousing with each other and one suddenly disengages, that is a very common body posture we see -- "Hey, where'd you go?!?" You can tell Priscilla is poised to spring into action, except ... she's just realized she's all alone!
Don't forget, you can vote every day for us in The Animal Rescue Site/PetFinder's Shelter Challenge. Enter "Rolling Dog Ranch" and our state postal code, MT for Montana, and it will bring up our listing so you can cast your vote. Invite your family and friends to vote, too!
Still No. 3 -- please keep voting!
It must have been a sibling rivarly moment for the attention of Trooper. When Molly figured out it wasn't getting them any attention from him she ran off to find someone else to flirt with.
Posted by: Colleen & Sweet Kitty Erin | May 22, 2009 at 06:59 PM
Maybe Trooper decided there was more to be gained by staring at you then messing with those silly sisters.........a treat, perhaps? :)
Still voting every day as are friends !!!!
Posted by: Bibi | May 21, 2009 at 12:27 PM
I love the poodle sisters and glad you wrote about them. However, you're waaaaay overdue for a goat story, a horse story, and a cat story (you still have them right?).
Posted by: Miranda | May 21, 2009 at 12:07 PM
It's nice to see the dogs are getting to enjoy spring! I'm sure they love it when the weather gets nicer like this. And on a voting note, it's going to be really important to vote this weekend. Take the time because you know the other sanctuaries will move ahead if we don't. And I've been able to vote more than once a day on the same PC. Not sure why. I've gone back later in the day and was able to vote, so I guess that's worth a try, too.
Posted by: Barb Ribinski | May 21, 2009 at 08:07 AM
How much longer does this contest last? I'm voting every day!
Posted by: Vicki Small | May 20, 2009 at 08:56 PM
How wonderful that you posted a shot of my homeboy Trooper. Although, I still don't know what my fellow Cajun sees in those prissy poodle sisters!! LOL
Posted by: Lynn | May 20, 2009 at 05:27 PM