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« Tremors | Main | Oh, Girls, Puleeeze! »

May 19, 2009


That is so sweet! One smart pooch to figure out how to be first in line & looking cute while he's at it!

I agree with everyone else - that's an adorable habit. Aren't you lucky that you said yes to that little guy!

Oh bless! What a soft spot I have for these little red ones! In fact, my own little "red menace" was recently featured in a blog post:

PS - we are voting for you everyday.

This reminds me of a documentary I remember seeing about service dogs. It showed how when their person sat down or stopped to do something that was going to take awhile, the service dog was trained to lay down to wait and was allowed to nap but was trained to place his paw or chin on top of the person's shoe/foot so that they would know when their person was ready to go. While I'm sure Dexter was vying for first fed he may also just be showing what an excellent minion he is to Alayne!

This is so adorable! Dexter is one smart dog!!.. all us doxie's are pretty smart you know... especially when it comes to food!


It's a lot of work being a minion!

My dog pokes me hard with her nose when she wants attention.

Way to go Dexter, whatever it takes to get fed first.


He really is a little dickens, isn't he! How sweet. What a face!

Smart move Dexter!

I know I couldn't resist your idea; you'd get fed right away!

Isn't that an adorable habit?:-)

Dexter looks so sweet! Please give him a BIG hug for me.

Isn't that sweet. They are always putting a smile on our faces!

Dexter is such an adorable little guy!

Love it! My dog employs a similar technique. If he firmly plops his chin on top of you, that seems to mean, "Stay!" The look on Dexter's face seems to show a similar level of determination.

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