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« A Few More Leaves, Please | Main | I Think Someone's There »

May 28, 2009


When our lab mixes do this, we call it doing a "happy roll". My favorite time to watch them is when we arrive back from the vet. It's like they're saying "oh how wonderful to be home"!!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Now THAT is a happy dog!!
In winter here the grass is not soft and green, rather dry and yellow. My little plump one rolls on warmly baked concrete around noon each day and then promptly falls asleep on her back on the warm concrete! I prefer that to her rolling in the dried grass and bringing half the lawn into the house with her on her coat!!Funny creatures, our little sun-worshippers.
Hope you have a good weekend.

More pictures of "pure contentment".:-)

Keep on rollin', sweet Briggs!

Thank you, Alayne & Steve, for putting a big smile on my face every morning (Italian time:-)) with these blog posts of yours.

Briggs is so cute!!! I love Beagles. Eddie, my beagle loves to roll in the grass just as Briggs do!!!

I think it reflects real happiness and contentment!!!

I love it.

Well, I have to say the RDR is appropriately named. It's good to see Briggs is living up to the good name. They have a lot of time to make up for when all that wonderful, lush green grass was hiding under snow.

You should make a slide show of all the rolling dog pictures in case anyone asks why it's called Rolling Dog Ranch. So then you can whip out a bunch of rolling photos.

The Beagle Central Committee of Rolling Dog Ranch (BCCRDR) is pleased with the attention being paid to them. It is almost commensurate with what we deserve. Our faithful minions have each been awarded the Order of the Silver Cheeseburger. Keep up the good work and you will be considered for the Golden level.

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