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« Bunny In Her New Home | Main | She's Due Here Any Second. I Just Know It. »

February 17, 2009


I love that picture of Soba peeking over the snow. Steve, you always bring a smile to my face with your wit. Love the description of the machines the RDR so lovingly provides. I know Soba & Noodle were enjoying their little oasis in the sun!

What a cutie peeking out from the snow. Makes me think of the phrase "snow ornament."

I can't explain why, but reading "lift and carry machines called humans" and seeing Soba's beautiful face looking over that pile of snow made me cry.

ditto on the "with helpful lift-and-carry machines"...
I'm thinkin' what really cool device has Steve created now I need to get me one....DOH

thanx for all the work you do

That's a lot of glad the farm is equiped with the necessary lift-and-carry machines!

I know what you mean, Steve: Daphne hates to climb stairs, so my husband and I are her "human elevators"...;-))

Please give Soba and Noodles a big hug for me.

Another 6" of the white stuff & it will be time to be search for the dogs! It's good to see that Soba found her place in the Sun.
Warm hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

I need a lift-and-carry human!!!

Soba looks like she was LOVING that sun....

Oh Soba you sweet thing! Enjoy the little bit of warmth--if that's what you call it. You make me smile and I can't wait to see you this May!

with helpful lift-and-carry machines called humans.

You never fail to make me smile, Steve !! <3

I enjoy your blog each time I visit. Thanks!

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