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« Pssst! Guess What? | Main | Feline Contemplation »

February 24, 2009


whats new now in june 09............more happy stories ???
fill us in !!!!

Thank you for all your effort and love towards these very special animals. And thank you for sharing. Happy Birthday, Briggs!

Ahhh, nice day for Briggs & getting some extra lovin' from Miss Callie! Thank you for helping Briggs & giving him the good life he deserves. Happy 1 year anniversary, Briggs!

Just goes to show what loving care can do!!! Wonderful pictures...Thanks for all you do!

RDR is really heaven on earth for all the animals at the ranch but in Briggs case, I think it holds a little more specialness. For him to have had such a long list of untreated ailments; then find a home of compassion, concern and treatment is a miracle.

Thank you Steve and Alayne for making miracles happen everyday!

How funny. I would love to see the expression on Callies face if someone trird to give her a spa session.

What a difference a year made in Briggs life, since he's been in the great care of RDR! I guess Callie knew it was his special day & wanted to make it even more memorible for him! What a sweet shot. Life is good.
Warm hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Happy 1st anniversary, sweet Briggs!!

God bless you, Steve & Alayne, for giving Briggs such a wonderful new life, complete with spa treatments!:-)

A big, big hug to you all from Italy.

What you have provided to this little dear, and to all the others, is amazing. Thank you.

Hilarious!!! Briggs is one of my favorite residents to read about. Such a pitiful life he has. Looks like you worked him terribly hard that day too. Poor dude.....

So very, very lovely. :) If these animals could talk, I only wonder what words of thanks they would constantly give you.

I was also wondering: will you be posting any more videos in the coming months? Your Youtube ones are absolutely darling.

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