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« Love of Dog Bakery Selects Ranch As 'Charity Of The Month' For December | Main | We're In Dog Fancy »

December 02, 2008


Keep warm, precious animals! Wishing you milder winter weather.

I hope everyone is warm and dry inside, now. Horses are quite the heat machines, though. With all the internal fermentation going on, they can stay outside in colder weather than you think they could be comfortable in. But rain is another matter. I think a warm Polartec blankie is in order.

The picture of you leading the horses through the snowstorm belongs on the front of greeting cards; it is just so perfect! Thanks for sharing.

That's a beautiful photograph.

Aw, shucks. Colleen stole my thunder. Tucson, yesterday, had a high of about 77 degrees with a low this a.m. in the 40's. Today will be "colder," with a high in the low 70's.

But, no, it won't be like this all winter.

Goodness! Hope everyone stays save and warm!

I see more than a near blizzard in Montana; I see a loving, responsibile rancher taking care his beautiful animals.

Sending you a warm hug.... : )

Not related to this post, but I just found you mentioned in the article about sanctuaries in 'Dog Fancy' this month. You should post and let the others know it is out there. Such nice pictures and accompanying article about you. I know why I live in Florida...and here I was complaining about it being's 40 degrees...that's practically bathing suit weather for you guys!

Keep warm my RDR friends! Boy, Winter came fast!!!!!

Brrrr, that was a quick switch for you all. Guess I shouldn't complain to be in 45 degrees at night & tomorrow daytime 80 degrees, then a little switch Thurs daytime, 60 degrees, sunny, no rain in months & months, San Antonio, TX. Everyone there stay warm & cozy!

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