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« Sardines. Or Felines. | Main | Another Holiday, Another Box To Rip Open »

December 22, 2008


I just love your site and I think what you are doing for animals that would be unloveable to most is commendable. Keep on keeping on.

Hello, there was a story on msn about pilots n paws, people who fly animals to their forever homes or help them get there.
This is their link, not sure if you have heard of them or could maybe use thier help sometimes.
this is their web address

take care!


great post, i`ll subscribe to your blog! i really like your writing style..

and she`s so cute.
really nice picture

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!!!

As the mother of five Dachshunds, two living, I know well how they burrow; when you blog about the Doxies, you are talking about my girls :-)
God Bless and Keep all of you who help the defenseless animals.

Daisey looks like she's down for a long winter's nap. So snuggled up and cozy! I've really enjoyed becoming a regular blog reader this year. We wish a very blessed Christmas to you, Steve and Alayne, and all your "kids". You are truly doing God's work. All the best to you in the New Year!

What a precious face...Daisy is a real cutie! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both and all the critters at the Ranch!

This is also the case in a home w/a small blind beagle. He loves to snuggle under the fleece throws...especially in the littlest recliner inherited from my mammaw.
Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year from me, Jake, Toby, & Buddy

Is that a empty aquarium I see under your television? Like you have enough time to take care of critters in an aquarium. I am sure you would if you have to.
Best wishes during this holiday season to all of the citizens of RDR,including humans. You are the best.

I hope Santa brings a sleigh full of goodies for all! Especially you & Alayne, as you work so hard each & every day to make the very best posible lives for each animal at the RDR. Thank you so much for all that you do.
Sending warm hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

How perfect! Daisy picked out the blankie with dachshund on it, then put a dachshund in it. Makes my day!

Us snow wimps in Seattle are doing a very similar imitation. May all your holidays be cozy and warm.

It is a great time to reflect upon all our very special guardian angels, and no one has a better bunch than you. PEACE.

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year to everyone at the Ranch!

Adorable! I have a poodle/doxie mix...he is a huge blanket burrower...I searched around the house for him yesterday, only to find him underneath 3 blankets on the couch, which just looked like a pile...don't know how he breathes under that! Thanks for all the great posts. Many happy and WARM wishes to you both and all the furry babies. Happy Holidays! Thanks for all you do.

Merry Christmas Alayne, Steve and all our friends at RDR. May all the blessings of the season be yours. Hugs and love to all!

Reflecting on 2008 I list my discovery of Rolling Dog Ranch Animal Sanctuary as one of the greatest highlights. I have laughed, cried and sat in silent awe on many a morning after my daily blog read. I spent several weeks reading from the beginning of the posted blog entries, as well as all the animal bios and news items. I've even dreamed of some of your animals. Thank you Steve and Alayne. I am grateful for the lessons your work is teaching me. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both and of course to all the animals.

Merry Christmas to you both and to all your buddies - you definitely deserve a holiday from blogging even though I'll miss it - hope your holidays are the best!

So sweet....Merry Christmas to all at RDR and a very Happy New Year! You blogs are such a wonderful read....I will miss the RDR news while you are on your well deserved blog holiday!

What a great photo to start the holiday. Merry Christmas to all the animals and Margaret who thinks she's a dog! Happy New year

Wishing you both a blessed Christmas holiday and New Year.
Thank you for all you do.

Best wishes to you all! I know that even though you may take a break from blogging you are still working very hard every single day...just want to let you know you are appreciated more than words can say.

Daisy just looks adorable and as cute as a button (and very cosy, too:-))!

"Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo a tutti" from Italy!:-)

Have the merriest Christmas,
and the happiest New Year, Steve & Alayne and all at RDR.

Merry Christmas to you, Alayne and all of your furry family at RDR!!!

My brother had 2 minature doxies. He was ill with cancer for about 18 months & passed away in Sept. 1995. He usually sat in his recliner with a blanket when family or friends came to visit. You could be in the house for a while & be sitting talking to him & all of a sudden one or both would emerge from under the blanket. It was always so funny to see the look on a visitor's face when they popped their little heads out. They hardly ever left his side. They were both a wonderful comfort to him. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to the entire RDR. May the new year bring health & happiness to all of you. Enjoy the holidays!

Merry Christmas to you and Alayne and all our four-legged friends at RDR from Carolyn, Max, and Penguin(my beloved rescue cats from King County Animal Shelter in Kent, Wa)now located in Cincinnati. Here's to a GREAT 2009! Thanks for making me smile COUNTLESS times in 2008 with all of your wonderful posts. I so look forward to them each week, Steve! There is definately a special place in Heaven for you, Alayne, and all of your terrific volunteers and supporters of RDR!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone who reads your heartfelt blog!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Alayne and all the family at the ranch. Stay warm!!!

P.S. It IS a wonderful life!

Happy Festivus to everyone in balmy Ovando. I sure will miss your blog. Is there a 12-step program for blog withdrawal?


Happy Holidays to You,Alayne, and all of your family! Blessings to all. Look forward to all that 2009 has to bring!

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