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« Have Chin, Will Rest | Main | Sardines. Or Felines. »

December 18, 2008


I hate to see us lose your input but I wonder if simply publishing articles with no comments enabled and having a members-only forum wouldn't be a good compromise. There's something about the immediacy of the response form and the lack of accountability available from anonymity (oh, hypocritical me) that seems to encourage people's awfulness.

daqjph tfwxygocm phekgz nxjcvy luicbmph ykdsgmtx vebqli

oh thanx for the Spinner update. Been thinking about her too. My blind/deaf girl has seizures too. Someone ask me if all blind/deaf dogs do...I said certainly not and Spinner was the only other one I know. wags

She must feel the vibrations in the floor of the others in their mayhem around the table. It seems that those without sight or hearing have heightened senses in other areas. I'm so sorry that she's having seisures again. She such a precious girl, my heart goes out to her.
Big warm hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Spinner you are so special!

She is such a sweet and beautiful soul. I'm sorry to hear about her latest seizure. She must know you love her.

Spinner looks so sweet! I'm very sorry to hear of the new seizure... Will she be needing to be on more (or different) medication? Please keep us posted.

In the meantime, please give Spinner a big hug for me, will you?

How can one not resist giving this precious face a morsel of lunch?!!! What a cutie! Here's hoping these seizures will be a thing of the past.

I just adore Spinner. I'm sorry she had another seizure. I think about her a lot. But, the good thing is she is now a part of the lunch/dinner crowd & of course, with the best manners of all. She must have heard the others conversing about a good meal lately & realized she has been missing out. Sweetness just pours out of her in that picture!

Such a beautiful dog! And very well behaved. I certainly hope that the seizures do not continue.

Beautiful Spinner! I love her old-fashioned propriety and decorum. I am hopeful that this lovely lady will be seizure free. She's a complete darling.

Ha, ha! I was wondering why there weren't any other dogs in the photo! So nice to see a post about Spinner :)

I'm sorry to hear she suffered another seizure, I hope this doesn't become a recurring thing...

Bless her heart!

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