Alayne got this shot a few minutes ago this afternoon. That's blind-and-deaf Granny (Duchess) doing her sun worshipper thing. I've mentioned before that Granny loves to be outside, more so than nearly all of our other dogs, as long as the sun is out. Today was a fairly brisk fall day, and contrary to the forecast, we ended up with some very nice sunshine. That brought Granny outside, and she has an uncanny knack for finding the warmest place to be -- in this case, right against the door of Kelly's Cottage. She was clearly enjoying soaking in the sun and having the white door reflect it back onto her. This is a classic pose for her, too -- chin up, ears out sideways, little black nose pointed straight at the sun.
Not many animals enjoy the sunshine like Granny; she's a good example of appreciating the simple things in life, like sunshine on your face.
Posted by: Boundforglory | November 24, 2008 at 02:39 PM
That is so precious! Sweet little angel. That just warms my heart looking at her enjoying the sunshine. :)
Posted by: Lisa | November 24, 2008 at 01:08 PM
This is so heartwarming, especially as noted, that she had spent "most of her life living in a garage in California". Simple pleasures. What a sweetheart!
Posted by: Margaret | November 21, 2008 at 01:10 PM
She is truly in her own little slice of heaven. I'm so happy that she will be able to spend the rest of her life at the ranch.
Posted by: Jen | November 21, 2008 at 11:57 AM
Sunshine and love what more could a girl want. I hope you have a sunlamp for winter months.
Posted by: Miranda | November 21, 2008 at 11:23 AM
What an absolute sweet photo! Reminds us to all take a moment to enjoy the sun, huh? I love the shadow cast behind her also.
a.k.a. Frankie's mom
Posted by: Barbara Techel | November 21, 2008 at 11:22 AM
She soooo deserved to find a home at RDR. She is beautiful!!!
Posted by: Suzanne | November 21, 2008 at 10:10 AM
She is enjoying the warmth of the sun and the crisp fall air. She has the look of pure contentment and who wouldn't after being kept in the garage!! You enjoy every bit of it granny. You deserve it!!!
Posted by: Laura & Levi | November 21, 2008 at 09:41 AM
So glad to see she is enjoying life. What a sweetie.
Posted by: gayle | November 21, 2008 at 08:34 AM
I am so happy to see this little old lady having some happiness in her life. What a love!
Posted by: Debbie | November 21, 2008 at 07:34 AM
Sweet Granny, loving life.
Posted by: Janet in Cambridge | November 21, 2008 at 07:22 AM
What a great picture! Did she have her sun block on? Thank you for all that you two do for these animals.
Posted by: Jennie Wiseman | November 21, 2008 at 07:10 AM
What a sweet, sweet portrait of precious Duchess/Granny! It just melts my heart...
Every time I see a picture of Duchess, I wish I were at RDR, so that I could hold her tight and cuddle with her! I'm so glad she can spend her last years in such a wonderful place, free to worship the sun every chance she gets!:-)
Posted by: Carla Polastro-Nigro | November 21, 2008 at 03:03 AM
After living in a garage most of her life...I cannot help but shed a tear looking at this picture of joy and last.
Posted by: Cora | November 20, 2008 at 10:39 PM
Dear, little Granny, you look precious as you sunbathe. Soak up all the sun you can to make up for those years in the garage, lovey.
Posted by: Moon Rani | November 20, 2008 at 10:13 PM
Thanks for the reminder that life can be that simple, and that great contentment can come from things we take for granted.
Posted by: Jamie | November 20, 2008 at 09:33 PM
So glad to see that Duchess is enjoying the sun...making up for the time spent in the garage. She looks so precious and adorable!!!!
Posted by: Nina | November 20, 2008 at 09:08 PM
She is absolutely precious. I love her sunbathing pose...great picture!
Posted by: Sue | November 20, 2008 at 09:05 PM
Smart Granny!
Posted by: Shirley * James * Portland, OR | November 20, 2008 at 08:04 PM
Hummmmm!!! Daily meditation! She is so cute & sweet! My heart leaps with joy when I see a picture of her basking in the sunshine & enjoying it so much after so many years of being locked away from it. Thank you for changing her life & giving her such an awesome pleasure!
Posted by: Colleen & Sweet Kitty Erin | November 20, 2008 at 08:00 PM