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« Two Blind Boys from North Carolina | Main | What They're Blind From »

November 09, 2008


Go Margaret Go!!! I used to live and work on Capital Hill and know what a big deal Roll Call is, this is GREAT!!! Good interview Steve!!

The White House can't compare to the RDR digs!! Stay put Margaret!

The more I see this the more I laugh! LOL x 2 : )

I think Margaret has a long political career ahead of her. The humidity in Washington DC is dreadful & she'd miss the Montana air. But she could save the government on grounds keeping expenses & demonstrate how her kind is death to weeds, noxious plants, etc., in super fast time. ("If you want a job done, vote goats!") She'd be a hit w/the White House family & the public & she could nibble on the shoe laces of the adoring press. Go, Margaret!

OMG Margaret you are such a love!!!
I would stay at RDR though, the White House would have too many rules for you and wouldn't you miss your boyfriend Steve????

Is beloved Margaret a democrat?

Too Cute!!! Margaret, you are one precious goat and I would surely vote for you. However, I am not so sure you would like to live at the White House....the Ranch has Steve and the White House doesn't!!! One day maybe Steve will take you on a trip to visit the Obamas?!!

Margaret; she's one amazing goat!

What thought she put into the matter; thank you for helping her put thoughts down on blog, Steve!

I's time for a goat in White House! But please, Margaret, don't leave the ranch in search of more tender roses in Washingon; you'd be missed terriby!!

Another stellar post!!

Margaret is the cutest go-at ever. Love the latest pictures of her. She can't leave RDR for the White House. The Obama's can get their own goat.
Still wish I could have seen pics of her getting into the UPS Truck!

Well, I think a goat is better than the hyena that Teddy Roosevelt had.

I've always thought Steve should write a book about Rolling Dog Ranch. But now I think Margaret shouldn't be a chapter, she should have a book of her own. A children's book perhaps: "The Amazing Story of Margaret the Goat." Too cute.

Margaret, you are just a sweet, little doll & I love you! You would be sooooo unhappy living anywhere without Steve. I know the grass is probably greener thinking about going to live in the White House with that huge beautiful lawn & flowers but, believe me, where you live right now is 10 times better. I know you are intrigued you would be able to pose for pictures almost 24/7, 365 days a year but I bet anything the Obama's wouldn't like it much if you started to eat a visiting dignitaries plate of food or stole the spotlight while they are taking pictures. I just say if this is what you really want then I will vote for you but think about my advice & know that where you are is sooo much better cuz you get to go inside the house & join a meal or two, be in any & all pictures & no one will use you as a scapego-at & I'm sure a scapego-at will more than likely be needed a time or two.

AWWW NO - UH UH!! Margaret is best right where she is - in her adorable pictures and too funny stories.

Don’t be tempted by the bright lights of Washington, Margaret! Even though you may have pushed your luck by jumping on the kitchen table, you will always have a wonderful life at RDR.

(Steve, you need a new section on the home page – meet the go-ats!).

Margaret--Gotta love that name--I agree! It is time for a goat. Why not reach across the pen and consider a Great Compromise? How about a goat AND a dog! They would make great buddies, are a green way to clip the grass on the White House Lawn, and add some diversity to the White House.

Oy. Margaret you are truly a girl after my own heart. Even your name is close to mine. Do you like Peanuts as well? Goatdom needs to unite in this cause. In the meantime, you GO! and don't let anyone nickname you 'Lipstick'.

I would give up sweets & coffee for Margaret! She is so amazing, I especially love the pictures of her with Steve at the lunch table.
I have always wanted to befriend a goat, my friends even nicknamed my guest bedroom "the barn" for my goat aspirations. Delightful post and Margaret...Yes You Can!

Margaret, would you really want to leave your beloved Steve to go to the White House? Maybe Steve could be appointed Secretary of Disabled Animals (and Alayne would be their Attorney General), and ALL the RDR animals could relocate to the White House lawn! Can't you just see Margaret over President Obama's shoulder in the White House, trying to eat a bill she doesn't like?

Oh man - you know you'd miss her! I love Margaret!!

Margaret- One can only HOPE! I'm definitely in YOUR corner, :)
ps: on mutts in the White House, the President elect acknowledges they would be fine, if hypoallergenic, which is great, but I think he could also pick up on the term "All Americans"!

Margaret cannot go to the White House! What would she possibly do without Steve :) Perhaps she is planning to have the Obamas give him a room too !!

Oh my gosh--how funny!!!! Please put a book together with pictures of your blog.
You go Margaret!!!! Goats are the "in thing".

I should have voted for Margaret.

What a CUTIE! And so politically savvy. Her photos would convince them for sure. You should send this to the Obama transition team. Margaret would melt their hearts.

Margaret, you are one classy goat. I personally think you have a great sense of style & you should have your own advice column. I love seeing your face! Do you like to be hugged? I'm sending you a big one.
Hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Who knew that Margaret has such a keen sense of humor?!? I agree - why not a goat? Why not a whole slew of rescue animals for that matter??? Wouldn't it be wonderful to see a mini menagerie in the white house? (All rescues of course!)

OMG, this is SO funny!! Look how cute Margaret is in the first photo!

I've said it before, but I'll say it again - I HEART MARGARET!!!

Dea Margaret, If there's an election for new White House pet, you'll surely get my goat - - uh, I mean my vote.

Your post is too cute!! Margaret is too cute!! If I had the room, I would have a minature goat just like Margaret.
Keep up the good work!!

I just hope the Obama's realize that any and every kind of dog is available through rescue. We in rescue know that, but so so many people think shelters are just filled with mutts.

Margaret, you are, as they say here in the Boston area, a little pissah. You are beyond smart, you are a political animal and cute as a button. You know whereof you speak. If I were in the White House, I would have a go-at as sweet as you to take care of my front lawn. I wish you all the luck in the world in getting the Obamas to change their minds, but I think you will be happier where you are. In Montana you will never, ever be a scapego-at, although you may, at times, be, unflatteringly referred to as "livestock." (It's better than being "deadstock", I suppose.)

I (heart) Margaret!!!

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