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« Early Morning Sun | Main | Old Blue Eyes »

November 03, 2008


Don't know how I missed this post last year - I think it was while I was moving - but wow, does this send the RDR Cute-O-Meter right off the scale!

Very, very cute. I had to share this post with everyone at work today!!! Love it.

You always always make my day! Those photos are soooooo precious! Thanks for all you do!!!

Hysterical. Love the commentary! Definitely the type of post I need after a stressful day at work.

That Bailey is one great performer! Thanks for catching it for all of us to see. Great job by cast & crew!
Hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

what an adorable little guy !

Beyond cute!!!

Okay, the cuteness factor just went off the scale! Gah! How adorable can they get! :-)

Awww, who wouldn't love a pink, plump, luscious looking caterpillar like that!! And Bailey, we love your adorable self too!

Awwww, this is just too dang cute!! My dachshund, Frankie saw Mr. Caterpillar and now wants one too! Look what you started? HA! These are some great, sweet shots... just made my day!
Barbara (aka, Frankie's mom)


It's adoration for now; until Mr. Caterpillar acts up again, then it will be time to bring out the sewing kit. ; )

Thanks for the dose of cuteness Bailey and Alayne; it's just what I needed.

I love how he's "kissing" Mr. Caterpillar,
So cute!

Just what I neede today! How cute

Love those "bedroom eyes" Bailey has in the first photo.
Glad to see mr. C is still hanging in there, with a smile.

No more eviscerations of Mr C?? Looks like Bailey has made peace with him at last, eh? Cute pics!

I agree with Julie: too cute for words!

Bailey's pictures have just put a huge smile on my face and in my heart...

And how cute is that?! Ev

*LOVE* this one. So cute. So true-dog-personality-like. So photo-journalistic.

Awwwwwwwwwwww....what a darling!

"And, the Oscar goes to Bailey for his starring role in "Bailey, the Dachshund and Mr. Caterpillar" As Mr. Caterpillar has faced some near death experiences Bailey stays by his side to show us how love knows no boundaries! A true love story for all the ages!"

Bailey is such a sweety! I love these pictures, thank you so much for catching these moments & sharing them with us!

LOL--BIG TIME!! I so needed this happy blog today! SMILE!!!

Too cute for words! I'm glad that Bailey is no longer tormenting Mr. Caterpillar!

How about that? Seems that dachshunds are made of HAM. But what a cute ham dear Bailey is!

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