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« Little Joe | Main | Sleek and Svelte. Or Maybe Not. »

November 24, 2008


What a great idea for a feeder. How did you turn the tire inside out?

You don't realize how large that tractor tire is until two horse heads dissapear into in! I'm so glad that this years weather has helped on the feed situation for the grazers. When I first saw this pic, I thought, now they have headless horses?
Hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Free is good. And outside as long as you can be, is good, too. Soon enough the new ring will get some use, I'm sure.

I guess Mother Nature got wind of the tough economy right now & is doing her part to contribute! I hope she remains kind during the winter. Love the innovative horse feeder.

Awesome. Some free hay from Mother Nature is well-deserved as every penny counts! Hope your winter is kind, too!

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