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October 30, 2008


Margaret for President!!!!

Samantha looks like a very vibrant girl; a good example of "you only look as old as you feel".

Welcome home sweetheart!
Hope the shine shines on you as you explore your new surroundings.

Welcome Ms. Samantha! You have a lovely smile & you are so smart to have figured out your surroundings in such a short amount of time. As the others have already told you, you have landed in heaven on earth! I'm so glad your sad days are over & you can enjoy your life with lots of love.
Sending you big hugs,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

She's beautiful!

What a precious girl!! To think her human abandoned her after all these years....anyways she looks really happy to be at the ranch...heaven on this side of earth. Welcome, pretty girl!

She would make a good chaperon for Molly and Pricilla and maybe bring them to their senses about that old hound dog they are so ga-ga over.

A very warm welcome to Miss S. all the way from Italy!!

She looks so sweet! I wish I were at the RDR, so that I could give a HUGE hug...

God bless Kirsten, Trista and above all you for giving Sam a final chance to live out her life in a safe and loving environment.

Can't wait to read how her first encounter with all the other doggies turns out!:-) I'm sure she's going to make lots of new pals in no time.

Have a great week-end.

Look at her smile!

The elderly ones are the most precious ones - please pamper her extravagantly!!

She looks precious. All the fun she will have with you will help her get her girlish figure back. Can't wait to read more about her!!

Where I live, owners would shoot a dog like this, not even bothering to bring her to a shelter. So as much as I fail to understand any circumstance where I would abandon my dog or the dog of a family member or friend who no longer wanted to or could take care of her, thank goodness Samantha was brought to the shelter who then got her to you. I have such respect for those who work at shelters especially if they have to euthanize dogs due to over crowding. I couldn't do it. I cry reading about the happy endings like this one.

Thank you to all Sam's saviors.

Welcome dear, sweet Samantha. I am so glad you are in a safe and happy place to rest and recover.
Many blessings.

Welcome Samantha! Now you can enjoy every day to its fullest and not have to worry about a thing. (Samantha looks like she is smiling in the photo.)

Welcome Miss Samantha! She's adorable. I don't understand how people can just leave animals, although she's one lucky old girl to have found a spot at the RDR!

Thank goodness she did not have to spend her final days tied to a tree and forgotten...this poor girl makes me cry...bless everyone involved in her rescue!

What a beauty!(Have I mentioned that I have a soft spot for the older ones?)
Welcome miss Samantha, I know you'll be very happy at RDR. You'll be loved a lot and no-one will ever "drop you off" again.
Thanx for giving her a home. (still chuckling about yesterday's post!)

As much as I feel disgust at the former owner, at least he or she did leave Sam with some one who did the right thing. Not all folks can keep a dog her size nor deal with blindness.
The former owner, unmentionable as they are, did not leave her in the street, in a locked foreclosed house, or tied up alone in a back yard.
That said, Sam reminds me of my old lady dog. I love the white and think it shows character.

Welcome Samantha! looks like the labs are up one! watch out dachsunds and beagle brigade!~

A huge thank you from all of us at the Flathead County Animal Shelter for providing such a wonderful, loving home for our sweet girl Sam! And thanks to Daisy and Scarlett for the most excellent performance! Miss you, Sam! So happy you are now a Rolling Dog girl!

What a kind sweet girl. THANK God she ended up at RDR!

Don't forget to vote for RDR--it has been at the number one spot but slipped number two today!!! VOTE EVERYDAY!!! This helps save animals like Samatha!

Samantha, welcome to dog heaven on earth! Wishing you many more days of warmth, love and affection at RDR!

Samantha looks like a wonderful addition to the ranch. Her face appears to be full of love and character, and I'm so impressed that she was able to learn the lay of the cottage in just 5 minutes! What a trooper!

P.S. Today is a special day for us too out here in Seattle - we finalized the adoption of our three-legged foster dog!!!

Welcome to RDR, Miss Samantha. You have just arrived in the best place on earth for old gals like you. I think from that smile on your face that you already know you've got it made. Looks like you have plenty of life left in you too. You go, girl!

Welcome home, Miss Samantha! You are as beautiful as ever. You have arrived at heaven on earth & you will be showered with lots of love, hugs, kisses & friends! I know the last few weeks must have been very confusing & sad for you but now you can rest easy in knowing those days are behind you & many wonderful days are ahead!

People who abandon any pet, especially an older one, are just plain cold, among other things. Thank God there are people like you who provide a loving home to such sweet fur babies.

What a beautiful old girl. She has such a kind, sweet face. Maybe she'll end up being best friends with Granny!

Awww.... sweet old girl! Thanks so much for giving her a home. She looks like such a kind old soul -- I'm sure she'll fit right in.

Welcome Samantha! She looks like a real love. Nothing wrong with a good helping of gray, gives a girl character! I should know :)
Can't wait to see how she fits in with the gang. Maybe the go-at sisters can show her around.

For her years of loyalty, she gets dumped at a shelter. But the laugh's on the family; Miss Samantha is in heaven now.

Welcome, Miss Samantha. Isn't life grand now?

Welcome Miss Samatha to the happiest place on earth where you'll be surrounded by lots and lots of love :<)))))!

A warm October welcome to Samantha. What a blessing you landed at RDR! You'll love it there, although you might want to watch out for a certain goat who, judging from yesterday's outstanding post, tends to steal the show every time.

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