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« Brynn's Surgery -- Third Time A Charm? | Main | Blind Dusty's Spinal Stroke »

June 22, 2008



WOW!!! That's incredible! I can't believe that's the same horse. Go Copper!!!!!!!

WOW........again & again & again.


Go Copper Kid!!! Just wanted to run around in the pasture didn't you!! Keep up the great work Copper!

what an improvement.
I'm glad to see it Copper !
Congrats !

I believe in miracles, and this is certainly a fine one! Beautiful!

Wow!!! :)

Do you think he feels a difference from barely being able to walk before to now running joyfully through a pasture with mane flowing? Could he be thinking the horsey equivalent of "Yahooooo!" because if he can't, we can for him. Add my WOW to the rest of them!

Wow, Amazing how he has recovered. I hope he stays this way.

Oh my goodness! What a wonderful difference!

Wow - before I saw the second video I expected to see a horse that walked more "normally." But to see him run - how awesome! I am so happy to see that - you go Copper Kid!

WOW. My mouth actually dropped open when I saw Copper running. Truly amazing. Thanks for sharing!!

Totally wonderful and amazing!

This is the summer for Copper Kid to shine; we're so happy for him!!!


I cried tears of joy! Thank you so much for the wonderful care you give these great animals. God bless you.

Amazing, what a beauty. I sat here with my jaw dropped watching the video over and over. Good job!

Fantastic. RUN Copper RUN. What a wonderful turn around.

Amazing! Absolutely poetry in motion! Bless everyone who has had a hand in this remarkable makes my heart smile!!

That's the wondrous thing about animals when they face adversity -no feeling sorry for yourself and moving on to the next best thing. Best medicine ever.

*happy* lump in throat here too!!

Wow, how can that even be the same horse?? What a beautiful sight. The first video was just so hard to watch, I am thrilled for Copper!

Amazing! The last thing I expected was to see Copper Kid running, wow! I'm SO happy to see him doing so well!

Copper looks fantastic! He has always been a beautiful horse and I am so glad that he is able to run now.

THAT is one of the most beautiful things that I have ever SEEN! Patty

This put a lump in my throat--in a wonderful way! What a beautiful sight!

ATTENTION ALL BLOG READERS: I urge you to log on to the Animal Planet and vote for Steve or Alayne for Animal Hero of the Year--this could mean $10,000 for the RDR!!!! DO IT TODAY!!

Grand - it just warms my heart! You do such wonderful work!

Wow, look at him go!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing - i am so glad that Copper is looking and feeling so good! Keep it up, Copper Kid!

That is just awesome... brought a huge smile to my face. Go Copper Kid....

Wow...what a phenomonal difference there is in Copper! It melts my heart to see him run like the wind!!!

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