Yesterday I had to take several animals in to our vet clinic in Helena, and it was a full truck. Blind Lady needed a repeat of her Cushing's test to see if her new medication is working; blind Carmel was in for a follow-up eye exam; and blind Evelyn needed a skin biopsy for a recurring skin condition. Also along for the trip was blind Shep, our new arrival from Afghanistan.
In the photo at the top our vet Dr. Brenda Culver is listening to Shep's heart after doing his eye exam. You can see in the photo how his eyes have that green glow. Brenda found that he has only the faintest of blood vessels in his retina -- when they're like this she said they're called 'ghost vessels'. It's not from progressive retinal atrophy, but more likely from a birth defect that caused the vessels to be deformed. And his optic nerve is barely present. So with his pupils wide open, the light bounces right back off the retina.
Brenda showed me that when you look close-up with her slit-lamp, you can see what appear to be hundreds of tiny bright speckles reflecting in the fluid in his eye. It was, oddly, incredibly beautiful to see these little green stars shimmering in the light -- if you stop thinking that this is an eye that can't see.
Here's another view of Shep during the eye exam:
There isn't anything we can do to restore Shep's vision, but his eyes are comfortable and don't cause him any problems. Shep stayed at the clinic for neutering and for a neurological/orthopedic evaluation -- I've watched him walk and it just seems to me that something is not quite right about his gait with his rear legs. It's so subtle I can't put my finger on it, but I wanted Brenda and her husband Britt, a board-certified internal medicine specialist, to examine him and see what they think. It could be simply a conformation issue because of chronic malnutrition as a puppy before he was brought to the shelter in Kabul.
We don't have any results on Lady or Evelyn yet, but on Carmel, we are probably going to be taking her to see a veterinary ophthalmologist to determine our next steps for her. Brenda is working out those arrangements today.
Awesome!!!Thanks for the update on everyone - I love to read what is happening with the animals.
Posted by: Dog Stair | January 21, 2009 at 05:31 AM
Got my vote in on AP! $10K could go a long way, I'm sure! Steve, hope you don't mind, I set your age at 29....
Posted by: heidi & the kitties | June 19, 2008 at 11:10 PM
How is Penny doing? I am hoping no news is good news !
Posted by: Leigh | June 19, 2008 at 07:08 PM
That is one handsome pup! So glad he's not in pain with his eyes. I too voted for RDR with Animal Planet. I put Steve's birthday as February 14th, because he is a sweetheart!
Posted by: Debbie | June 19, 2008 at 03:40 PM
All your animals are so WONDERFUL at The Rolling Dog! However, I just have to say it,"I have a favorite and it's Shep." Those ears that face, and those eyes!Oh sorry forgot one those paws!
Posted by: DT | June 19, 2008 at 12:48 PM
Shep is sure adorable. Thanks for the update on everyone - I love to read what is happening with the animals. I assume Penny is OK? :)
Posted by: Suzanne | June 19, 2008 at 10:12 AM
Thanks for the heads up on the Animal Hero nomination on Animal Planet network, Shirley!
I just cast my vote for RDR.
One thing....they do ask for Steve or Alaynes birthday so I just choice a random date. Otherwise, it was pretty simple....just click areas on the site and write your nomination.
So cool!!!
Note to Steve:
Could you put a button or link on your site so that readers know about the Animal Planet's event?
That way Shirley's suggestion will get seen by everyone instead of a few people who write comments. I'd love to see you win the SO deserve it!
Posted by: Boundforglory | June 19, 2008 at 09:38 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. I just submitted my vote for Steve and Alayne. Only problem was, I don't know Steve's birth date, so I made one up. Sorry, Steve. Hope you win!
Posted by: Janet in Cambridge | June 19, 2008 at 07:53 AM
Is it visiting time yet for us outsiders? I want to meet Lady and all the crew at RDR.
Posted by: Craig from Great Falls | June 18, 2008 at 11:34 PM
ATTENTION ALL BLOG READERS: I urge you to log on to the Animal Planet and vote for Steve or Alayne for Animal Hero of the Year--this could mean $10,000 for the RDR!!!! DO IT TODAY!!
Posted by: Shirley * James * Portland, OR | June 18, 2008 at 07:40 PM