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« Blind Austin Gets His Eye Exam | Main | Ladies' Man »

May 14, 2008


Awesome! We'll keep all our paws crossed here.

Yeah! Great to hear the news about precious older girl! She is in good hands at the ranch so she deserves to be spoiled rotten in her sunset years!!!!

Wonderfu! news what a sweetie.

Great news on Lady! I'm sure her medications are aided by the love and wonderful life she is now enjoying at RDR.

As for the tail... it looks much like by Border collie, Jenny's, tail. In our best Monty Python accent, we refer to it as "beautiful plumage!"

Three cheers for Lady!! I'm so glad to hear that she's doing much better now.

Another RDR's success story in the making!:-)

Please tell Lady she looks very pretty after her grooming session (isn't that fluffy tail of hers adorable?).

Thank you so much for giving this sweet little girl the love and care she SO deserves....she may not be with us long, but at least for that period of time she will be loved and cared for. You guys rock!

So glad to hear that Lady has improved. She looks like such a sweet dog and I hope she is able to enjoy herself for a long while at the Rolling Dog Ranch.

Lady deserves some extra good time on this earth. This is wonderful news all around.

How about a blog on the Old Ladies' Club? A picture of all three of them sitting on the porch in their rockers drinking mint julips? Well, y'know, in doggie terms, of course.

As Sarah said, I just want to give lady a big hug too, and hope she has many many months to come. :)

Yippee Lady - great news!
Just shows you: nothing heals a "sore" heart like some tender loving care - and who better than you guys to give it. Take care.

GO sweet Lady go!! You can tell she is tender.

Yeah for Lady! I'm so happy that she is responding to the meds and that she has ya'll for her mom and dad! This was just the news that made my day.

She looks so lovely. I want to give her a big hug

That is wonderful news. Let's hope she becomes as **very old** Lady.

Sweet Lady! She has stolen my heart from the first time you posted her. I'm glad to hear she's doing better. Whatever time she has left will be happy there at the ranch! I was interested to hear about Tilostane/ of my dogs has Cushing's and is currently on Lysodren. I'm always looking for information regarding treatment for him. Thanks, as always, for your wonderful updates. Kisses to Lady!

It's great to read that Lady is responding so well to the medication! The fact that she's getting so much love & special care isn't hurting any either. I'm sending her special hugs for her improved health,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

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