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« Don't Mind Me While I Stand On You | Main | Good News On Blind Lady »

May 13, 2008


With Austins powers I don't think he'll be at the RDR long enough to get to a Widget level of bossy. lol

Seeing beauty in the imperfect, indeed.

I've just spend some time, this morning, exploring your cat stories over the years.

Being a cat, myself, they were of particualr interest.

The good time, and the bad times, the funny, fascinating, and sad.

Your blog does a wonderful job in sharing all of this with readers who maybe have no idea that the fate of the disabled animal doesn't have to be a lonely death on the side of the road, in a dumpster, or at a shelter.

Thank you, I'll be adding your site, and blog to my blogroll soon.

Yay, Austin! You're on your way to a happy forever, thanks to the good folks at RDR. Just remember: always give up you seat to Widget, and you'll have it made.

Congrats on healthy eyes :- ) Been thru glaucoma w/one of my dogs / weren't no fun at all. And - looks like Austin was a model patient during the exam.

I'm sure before too long Austin will be happily 'woo woo-ing' - that'll be when you know he understands that he is an important and valued member of the RDR pack. If it takes too long, Widget may have to bring out the "Be all you can Beagle" manual.

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