I received an email with the subject line, "Dog with crippled leg." It came from Deb N., who does rescue work on her own in Browning, Montana, on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. The dog had been picked up as a stray by the local animal control officer.
Deb wrote, "She has a crippled front leg, it looks like it was broken or mangled and got no vet care. It looks old and healed, with a scar on the front. She puts it down, but it’s so crooked that it's ineffective, so she hobbles. The ACO picked her up (no speed & way too friendly), no one has claimed her, even though he has had her for several weeks, past the PTS time ... had a picture taken for the paper but no takers. She is so sweet, happy, looks at you and wags her tail in circles. She desperately needs a place to go ... he can no longer keep her. Can you please help?"
A few years ago Deb had contacted us about another dog in the same shelter, a Border Collie whose front leg had just been sheared off in a trap ... and had been left to languish in the shelter for nearly a week with no medical care. We named the dog Cheyenne, and you can read her story here. (She has since been adopted by a wonderful family in the Seattle area.)
Last Friday, Deb drove the dog down to Helena and dropped her off at our vet clinic, Montana Veterinary Specialists. This week our vet Dr. Jennifer Rockwell did a complete medical check-up on the dog, who at that point had no name ... so Jennifer named her Sweetie. Jennifer told me, "She is so sweet, and since she needed a name, it seemed like the thing to call her!" Jennifer also spayed Sweetie. Her bloodwork and urinalysis all looked fine, and Jennifer estimated she's at most only about two years old.
The X-rays showed previous untreated fractures on both legs, but the worst one was her right front leg, which also has a thick scar across it. Here's a close-up:
Despite how it looks, she does use the leg, though she limps on it. Because it's an old fracture that has healed up, our vets can't do anything more -- and Jennifer did not think they should amputate the leg, given how she can bear weight on it.
Sweetie's body has clearly taken some blows, but so has her psyche. She is very, very scared -- mostly of men. With me she cowers on the ground, rolls over submissively, but at the same time wants to lick me on the face. She acts like she is expecting to get hit all the time. To get the photo of her sitting up with me, we had to have Alayne pet her and make all over her first ... that got her to sit up at least ... and then I worked my way in from the side, handed Alayne the camera, and kneeled down next to her before she could drop to the ground again.
I can just tell that she is used to being smacked around, and yet she wants so hard to please you. It's really heartbreaking. She tries to be affectionate with me ... but she's kind of cringing at the same time. It's as if the displays of affection are her way of trying to ward off the blows she thinks are coming any second.
But sweet she definitely is, and both Deb and Jennifer were right on in describing her personality!
Jennifer had good news about the liver biopsy for blind Lady -- it turned out not to be cancer. Instead, the biopsy revealed changes in the liver cells that are more consistent with Cushing's disease. Thus we are now waiting on the results of the Cushing's test. (We are treating three horses with Cushing's so this is something we're familiar with ... although we've never had it in a dog before.) While we dodged a bullet on her liver, Jennifer said that Lady's heart condition is so advanced that she probably only has a few months to live, even with her heart medications. We are going to do our best to ensure that those will be the best months of her life.
We had Lady groomed while she was at the vet clinic, and her thick rug of a coat was so matted underneath that she needed to get a full body clip. If you go back to that original post to see photos of her two weeks ago, you'll see she's a very different looking girl now! Here's a photo I took of her this evening:
Our bill at the vet clinic yesterday for current charges was $5,180.64, and covered several animals who had surgery or received other care in the past month -- among them Creighton, Snowball, Mitch, Briggs, Bobby, Herbie, Stoney, Duchess and Lady. Lady's bill alone was $1,318 and Duchess's bill was $974. We are always incredibly grateful for the gifts that make it possible for us to pay a bill like that. Thanks to our supporters for allowing us to provide these special animals with the best possible medical care!
It breaks my heart to hear of prior abusive situations--Sweetie now can be sweet without fear. Wow, Lady looks like one with her new style.
Posted by: Shirley & James, Portland, OR | April 22, 2008 at 11:38 PM
I am so glad Sweetie has ended up with you and Alayne. I cringed reading about her sad past. It broke my heart. She looks lovely. I know in time Sweetie will regain her confidence in mankind because of the love and kindness she's going to get from the both of you. You and Alayne are doing God's work. May you both be blessed abundantly.
Posted by: Priscilla Smith | April 22, 2008 at 08:56 PM
Sweetie is certainly deservant of a loving home with you! I'm sure with more time she'll be taking photos with you side by side, with complete confidence and probably taking truck rides with you into town.
I'm sorry to hear about Lady's advanced heart condition. Making what time she has special and loving is the greatest gift to her. The groomers did a wonderful job on her too; she looks beautiful!
Posted by: Boundforglory | April 20, 2008 at 07:52 PM
Thanks to all involved in Sweetie's rescue. What a precious face! My heart breaks for the mistreatment she experienced in her earlier days. She has truly been brought to the best place to be, and I know she will soon be won over by Steve. Many hugs to both Lady and Sweetie!
Posted by: Nina | April 19, 2008 at 10:40 PM
Welcome to RDR Sweetie, I think that in my mind I'll call her D.J.
for Dolly Junior in memory of another abused soul that through the love and commitment of you and Alayne had lots of happy,peaceful, secure and loving years. One thing is for certain she is in the absolute best place now,and from all 8 of our border collies to her and the rest of the gang at RDR enjoy now D.J. what a loving hand, heart and home feels like. May God continue to bless ya'll.
Posted by: Lynn | April 19, 2008 at 08:13 PM
Did anyone else notice that this post was about two black dogs with white, spotted legs? :-)
Welcome, Sweetie, to your wonderful new life! It is truly heartbreaking to hear that such a lovely girl has been so mistreated. People who abuse animals are the worst kind of monsters. One can only hope that what goes around, comes around.
Thank you Steve for taking her in. You and Alayne are beautiful people.
I am sorry to hear about Lady. At least her last few months of life will be love-filled ones. We should all be so lucky to be in such good hands!
Posted by: Kristen D. | April 18, 2008 at 01:42 PM
Finally Sweetie is in a safe place. Congratulations to all of you who were instrumental in bringing her to this haven.
Sweetie reminds me of Lucy - a crossbreed - who was rescued from a local shopkeeper by my Foundation - Xena Foundation. She came in with an amputated hind leg, which was still raw and needed treatment. She had her hind leg mangled (knee down) in a road accident.
Posted by: Brian Gardner | April 18, 2008 at 01:39 PM
Much love to Sweetie and Lady, one of whom has just begun her happy life at RDR and the other who will end her days as happily and comfortably as possible at RDR.
Posted by: Moon Rani | April 18, 2008 at 11:47 AM
Welcome dear Sweetie! You beautiful girl. I'm so sorry for whatever has happened to you, but you have a friend in Steve! He will win you over in no time.
Lady's prognosis is bittersweet. Not liver cancer, but other things. Still, she will enjoy the time she has with you. I had a dog with Cushings and remember we had to determine if it was the pituitary or adrenal gland because the treatment was somewhat different. Sounds like the Cushings will take a back seat to Lady's heart issues. She will remain in my thoughts.
Thank you again, Alayne and Steve, for all you do.
Posted by: Linda | April 18, 2008 at 11:15 AM
Dear Lady, you are in the best place you could be right now. My thoughts are with you and Steve and Alayne.
Posted by: Kay Stemnock | April 18, 2008 at 10:30 AM
We are so happy that Sweetie has found that special place and the life that she deserves. Let's hope those who made her first years of life so horrible find the "special" place they deserve either in this life or the next (or both). They will. Things do have a way of catching up with us, eventually. Right Mr. Vick?
Lady, we will be thinking about you. You look beautiful.
Posted by: Smiley Faces | April 18, 2008 at 08:16 AM
Once Sweetie figures out the deal at RDR, I'm sure she'll come around to humans and men (wait, they're humans, too). It may takes months and months, but she'll understand what kindness really is. Can you imagine what this sweet thing went through while the leg was healing? Animals are so much more forgiving than some humans deserve.
I'm so sorry that Lady's heart condition is so far gone. And I knew she would look stunning after a grooming!! My thoughts are with you and her for whatever times she has remaining. It will be the best time of her life.
Posted by: Janet in Cambridge | April 18, 2008 at 07:17 AM
Welcome home, Sweetie!! I have no doubts whatsoever that in a very short time, you'll realize nobody's going to hurt you again. You'll only know love, plenty of good food, comfy spots to lie on and have lots of new friends to romp about with.
As I'm sure Lady is truly going to live the best months of her life.
God bless you.
Posted by: Carla Polastro-Nigro | April 18, 2008 at 06:46 AM
I agree with all the comments above and once again Steve your blog post has been a highlight of my day.
As for Sweeties leg, I know that if a persons arm breaks and it is set incorrectly it can be 'rebroken and reset' (or what ever it's called), is this not something that could be done in Sweeties case?
Posted by: Andrew, NZ | April 18, 2008 at 02:30 AM
Welcome home Sweetie - you're safe now, girl. Enjoy every minute of it!! I wish I could reach into the computer and just hold her. Thank you to everyone who made it possible to get her there.
Wow - what a difference a new hairdo makes to a Lady, eh? I'm sad and happy (as I am sure you are too) - sad that she has such a short time left, but happy that she can spend it in the best place a dog can find to spend their last months.
How's Granny doing?
Stay strong, you guys - and warm.
Posted by: bregda,south africa | April 18, 2008 at 02:16 AM
hi there, i've been following your story for months now, heartened and saddened at times by your daily news, and i just wanted to make the suggestion that you add paypal as a payment option for donations. as a craftsperson selling on etsy (which i know you're familiar with : ), i always have a bit of extra money in my paypal account and have wanted to donate it and i know others would find it easier as well.
Posted by: leslie | April 18, 2008 at 01:18 AM
Amazing how something so sweet could be treated with such cruelty; I'd like to "smack around" that individual and let him/her know just how it feels!
Posted by: Cora | April 17, 2008 at 11:46 PM
welcome, sweetie! the name does fit her well. she must have had too many hard knocks in her short life - i just don't understand how people can be so cruel or so oblivious! I am sure that it will take time but that she will become brave and comfortable in her new home!
I am also glad that Lady has a little bit of time left in which you can give her all the love and attention that she should have had her entire life. She is certainly a beautiful dog; what a difference a grooming makes. She must feel much more comfortable, too.
Posted by: maggie | April 17, 2008 at 11:01 PM
I also wanted to thank you and the people who provide monetary gifts to help these special animals.
Posted by: Abby in Vegas | April 17, 2008 at 10:41 PM
How sad that this beautiful dog has had such trauma in her life. But her future is so much brighter now...she is in the BEST place she could ever be, at RDR. And its an absolute certainty that Steves gentle, caring manner will bring her around to men. Welcome to the Ranch, Sweetie. You'll be in our thoughts & prayers. Looking forward to happy updates about your new life!
Posted by: Barbara Arenal | April 17, 2008 at 10:34 PM
What a beautiful girl - give her big hugs from IL. ...Looking forward to hearing more about Sweetie as she comes out of her shell and turns into the happy spirit she was meant to be.
Posted by: Karen | April 17, 2008 at 10:20 PM