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April 06, 2008


Dear ones ~ Having lost 6 dearest dogs who lived long lives with me, I am crying like a baby to read of Dolly's passing. But as a Catholic who believes in the infinite love of a beautiful God, I believe that every creature we have loved will be there in paradise waiting for us. Because love never dies. This faith cheers me through the temporary loss. My love, Jane

i cry everytime i read that one of your beloved pets has passed. it also warms my heart that caring people such as yourselves have given these animals the quality of life they all so deserve.

Steve and Alayne,

I'm just catching up on old blog entries now and wanted to tell you how very, very sorry I am for your loss. May your Dolly sit at the right hand of the gods and be held safe and content until you meet again in this life or another.

I sit here at a loss for words. The sadness that you must feel. A special loved one, Dolly. I send you heartfelt condolences and much love.

I look at my beloved Jasmine sitting here next to me, chewing her bone...I can't imagine losing her, let alone losing so many old friends in such a short time. My heart goes out to you both. While Dolly is gone from your lives, she waits for you in a place where she is in no pain, where she is happy, warm and safe, and where your love still touches her every day.

I will sit in my study halls and read your blog about once or twice a week. I need to wait until I go home! Such tearjerkers ;) While I am so sorry for your losses, I am so glad to hear about all of the new lives that are starting with you. I just lost my first blind mare- sometimes your first girl is the hardest.

I'm so sorry for your loss,I cry with you.The lord bless you and compfort you.

My heart felt like it was breaking when I read about Dolly's passing; your sad news reaffirms to me that we want to maximize the amount and quality of the time we spend with our loved ones, bc someday they will no longer be there when we want and need them. You did a wonderful thing for both dog and human when you took in Dolly; you transformed a naturally beautiful and sweet dog who had been mistreated into a far happier and more radiant girl than she would have been without you. Looking at the picture above, Dolly truly was a gorgeous and special girl. I am so sorry for your loss.

I am so sorry.

I am so sorry ... huge hugz of comfort until you meet her again!

There are no words to ease the pain from the loss of a family member. Just know that many of us readers are with you in spirit as you say your final good-bye.

I am so sad about "Evil Aunt Dolly". I must remember to have tissues nearby each day when I read your blog.

She will always be your special girl. I, too, am losing my first dog, my special boy, to cancer.

I am relieved that she died peacefully at home in her bed where she found all the love she deserved. I hope my boy is as blessed. My heart is with you and Alayne.

I am so, so sorry for your loss. Dolly will always be in your hearts, and surely you know that she must have cherished every day of her life after she found you two and learned to trust in your love for her.

I'm so sad to hear about Dolly's sudden passing. My heart goes out to you; it's been a difficult few months and I know each loss is terribly painful.
Find solice in one another and know too, that many, many people care about you; Dolly and the sweet animal souls that have passed on.
Healing hugs to you and I hope Dolly was met with as much love at the rainbow bridge as she had in her life with you.

Please accept my heartfelt sympathy in your loss of Dolly. She was so lucky that you rescued her, even though she was "Unadoptable." She lives on in your heart.
Sending you & Alayne hugs of comfort,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

I want to say farewell to beautiful Dolly and thank her for the legacy that she left behind which is Rolling Dog Ranch as she built the ranch along side you which has become a special place for her peers.
She will always be rolling dog ranch and vice-versa.

I am so very sorry for your loss. You have had more than your share of heartaches recently. My thoughts are with you both.

Steve and Alayne,
My heart aches for you both. Every loss you endure is heartbreaking to read about, but reading Dolly's hit very close to home. Every dog person has that One Special Pup that means so much to us and we must cherish every day we are fortunate enough to spend together. May the memories you hold of Dolly bring you peace always.

Steve and Alayne, I'm so sorry. What a beautiful girl Dolly was. As another commenter said, I am so thankful for your sweet Dolly, because she really did show you the way to your true calling. She'll be watching over you two.

Steve and Alayne...So sorry...

I know I said it before but believe in my heart that "I suspect that your experience with Dolly helped reinforce how truly "gifted" you and Alayne are, and was a building block in the path to the Rolling Dog Ranch! What a great debt we ALL owe Dolly. Beyond the gift of her treasured companionship every day, she helped point you to your true calling."

She is a beautiful soul with RDR as her legacy, as well as her own heaven on earth with YOU.

Steve and Alayne:

My heart goes out to you both. I've shed more tears for you guys in the past few months, when you lose a critter, it reminds me of those that I've lost, and the flood starts.
God Bless Dolly.

Dearest Steve and Alayne,

I'm so sorry about dear Dolly. Wish I could be there in person to hug you both.



-Steve and Alyane, as I read this, I think of my little 12-pack I have here, my husband and I were just talking about how we are not looking forward to the losses we will have as some of them are all the same age. We didn't intend to end up with this many, but like you have soft hearts for the ones who need some extra care. I too, have a special one, and it brings tears to my eyes to even think about her not going to the clinic or feeding with me every day. They leave our lives too soon....

My heart is heavy with yours. I'm soooo sorry. I'm glad you'll have her ashes. I do that too. I figure when it's my turn, we'll all be scattered together. Cyber hugs to you both.

I am so Sorry! You had her for so many years. I am sorry for your Loss. We will miss you Dolly!

I'm so very sorry about Dolly.

Bless you, sweet Dolly. Like anyone who has lost a special dog, I share the sadness of your heart, Steve and Alayne.

How precious the memories.. Steve, you and Alayne and all the babies at RDR are loved. Thank you for Dolly's story.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your girl. You were her angel and she was your sweet dear angel.

Dolly's story reminds me so much of my own Sadie's story.

Hearing Dolly had died about broke my heart. Hugs to you guys.

I agree with Sarah NZ, my boss has wondered about me more than once why I'm crying at my computer. I'm so sorry Steve and Alayne for your loss. Although we love and miss all of our animals when they die, there are some that are just closer in your heart. I'm sorry that one of those is gone now. She had a great life with you guys.

So sorry for your loss...thank you for all the wonderful work you do. The animals you care for are truly blessed to have been at RDR. Dolly had such a secure, peaceful passing...we can hope for the same.

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Dolly was a beautiful girl and such a part of your lives for so long. I know it is difficult every time you lose one of your animals but I can tell Dolly was very special as she was one of your first 'babies'. Not every dog has the chance to love and be loved like that and is a special gift to give each other.
Good bye Dolly.

God Bless you, Steve & Alayne, so sorry about Dolly, she was a beauty. Our hearts will be with you at this time of sadness.

Please know that we are grieving with you both. You kids have had a rough patch lately! Bless you, Steve, for adopting an "unadoptable" and bringing her back to a loving, gentle home! Dolly reminds me of my sweet Tater, who came to me under similar circumstances...she was a blessing in my life. Godspeed, sweet Dolly! You have enriched our lives.

Godspeed, beautiful Dolly. May you rest in peace and watch over Alayne, Steve and all the animals at RDR, knowing that you were so deeply cherished!

My heartfelt sympathies to you both, dear Steve & Alayne.

You have been through far too much Alayne and Steve, and now to lose Dolly :(

The love you have given her, and she has given you is why you are all doing the job you do. And that is to give more love and care to animals less fortunate than your own.

Run Free Dolly.

My deepest and most heartfelt sympathy to you both.

Kae Norman
Rescued With Love Inc.

As Sarah said, "thinking of you", nothing else to add sorry I just don't think I could find the right words. :(

Thank you for including the picture of Dolly in her youth. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your life on the ranch is a roller coaster full of emotions. Thank you for the noble work you two do. I love you for it.

I, too, have been sitting here with tears streaming down my face. Part of that is certainly for you guys, and for beautiful Dolly. The other part is from the memories of the beautiful dogs that have been part of our lives, in past years. One of those caught us by surprise, too, and I can still cry for him, and for others, as well.

Would you just hug each other from Bruce and Vicki?

My heartfelt sympathies for you both. Here's a great big hug for you both (and some shared tears) from Wisconsin, and a couple of furry wet-nosed sniffs from Panda & Max, too. Dolly will have wonderful company with all the other RDR residents who have gone before her, but I know that doesn't ease your heartache now. God bless.

Steve and Alayne,Your pain is felt by all who read this blog. Please know that we will help carry the burden by sending our thoughts and prayers. Your outpouring of love for all your beatiful animals is a lesson to all of us. The cost to your heart and soul is great, but the gift you give these animals and the lessons that you teach us are priceless. We grieve with you, we cry with you and we admire you. Godspeed beautiful Dolly, may you rest in peace.

So sorry to hear about Dolly. Wow you guys have had a rough time. But a wonderful life you gave Dolly. She was one lucky gal. And THANK YOU for others that you are taking care of now. They are so lucky too. Hang on to the memories. They will always be there.

I am so very sorry for your loss but so glad that she had a wonderful life with the two of you.

I'm so very sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful dog - and I'm glad she found her way to you and had a good life out on the ranch.

You'll be in my thoughts.

I am so very sorry for your loss. Virtual hugs to you both.
Rest well, beautiful.

Rest in Peace, Dolly.

I am so sorry for your loss.

Wow, you have so many ups and downs at the ranch...I would be a mess.

Dear Steve and Alayne: I am so sorry to hear about precious Dolly's death. You gave her a wonderful home on this side of heaven. Loved the photo of her earlier days with you.

I am heartsick at this news.....Dolly was THE most stunning dog with a life of utter joy with you and Alayne......She was your soulmate and will always be just that, Steve............

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