When Jayme J., a vet tech at our clinic in Helena who also comes out to groom our dogs, mentioned a week ago that her Mom was interested in adopting Tyler, my first reaction was, "Awesome!" Her Mom, Karen M., had been coming out to volunteer her time helping Jayme groom, so we had gotten to know Karen and she had, over the months, gotten to know our deaf Pointer.
And getting to know Tyler means, inevitably, falling in love with Tyler.
Every time Karen was in Widget's House, Tyler would spend as much time as he could pressing his body against her and getting as much loving as possible. The last time she was here, a few weeks ago, Karen told me, "I just love that dog." So when Jayme mentioned a possible adoption, I wasn't all that surprised.
But my second reaction was, "Oh no! There goes my blog material!" Tyler is such a goofball, full of silly Tyler-esque antics, and he has given me many priceless "Tyler moments" for the blog over the years. So I called Widget into my office and said, "Widge, if Tyler goes, you're going to really have to step up to the plate, kid. I'm going to need more material." With typical Beagle bluster and bravado, Widget said "No worries. I can out-produce that pointy-headed Pointer with one paw tied behind my back."
When Jayme, our other vet tech Heather, and Karen came out to groom yesterday, we knew Tyler would be leaving with Karen at the end of the day. I took the photo of Tyler and Karen just before they left yesterday afternoon. He is such a sweet, lovable dog, and we know Karen will be giving him a wonderful new home ... but we also know that he will be coming back to visit on grooming days!
I've wondered myself about adopting Tyler. It should be very interesting! I wish you many great years with this loveable 'goofball'. Bless you for adopting him. Keep us posted on your relationship. Best.....
- Jane and Roux
Posted by: Jane Tunnicliff | April 08, 2008 at 12:09 AM
I am going to miss Tyler. I love him and have only met him through the blog. He is such a character. I am glad he will be coming back on grooming days. Take photos for all of us Tyler fans. Best to Karen and Tyler !
Posted by: Leigh | April 07, 2008 at 06:57 PM
Tyler looks like the perfect dog for Karen...a great match indeed!
I'm happy he'll be with her every day and that RDR will still get to see his antics on grooming days.
I think Widget is up for the Beagle challenge!
Posted by: Boundforglory | April 07, 2008 at 04:39 PM
Another match made in heaven, for sure. Congratulations Karen, Tyler, and Steve and Alayne. Happy day, happy life!
Posted by: Margaret | April 07, 2008 at 12:44 PM
Beautiful picture!! Many happy days ahead to Karen and Tyler. You look great together.
Posted by: Angela | April 07, 2008 at 10:12 AM
Many happy years together for Tyler and Karen Congrats!!!
Posted by: gayle | April 07, 2008 at 10:01 AM
Congratulations Tyler! I'm glad you guys will still be able to see him on grooming days!
Posted by: Jen | April 07, 2008 at 09:45 AM
We did need some morale boosting, didn't we? Three cheers for Tyler and Karen!!
I'm sure they're going to be very happy together.
A big hug to both of them from Italy.
Posted by: Carla Polastro-Nigro | April 07, 2008 at 05:12 AM
Karen and Tyler FOREVER!!!!
Posted by: Shirley & James, Portland, OR | April 07, 2008 at 12:37 AM
The picture of Tyler a year ago in USA Today with Alayne is my favorite picture of all time! How different his life is now from his life in the beginning. It's a win-win for Karen and Tyler! Thanks to RDR.
Posted by: Carolyn Kupferschmid | April 06, 2008 at 06:26 PM
That's wonderful news for Karen and Tyler! Congratulations to both on this happy ending!
Posted by: Nina | April 06, 2008 at 06:20 PM
Congrats Tyler!! Adopted on the same day as our Greek "Pointer" and yes, they are goofballs ;-)! This was our first adoption OUT of our family, all the others always were adopting IN... It's a bit of two worlds, yes we will miss him terribly and YES he will have a great, fun-filled life with another family! There's always a first for everything....
Posted by: Jessica, NL | April 06, 2008 at 02:21 PM
Congratulations, Tyler and Karen! Best wishes to you both.
Posted by: Moon Rani | April 06, 2008 at 02:15 PM