We have another happy adoption to report! Our wonderful, long-time volunteer Laura W. from Helena has adopted blind Levi. This sweet boy is a cross between a black Lab and something large with a big fluffy, curly tail (Akita? Husky?). You can read his original story here.
Because he was beaten blind -- his eyes had blood in them when he first arrived -- dear Levi was quick to submissively urinate, usually with men. He has become much better about this in recent years. His biggest problem was actually his desire to jump on people, something we have worked with him on for a long time. With that training he now knows he's not supposed to jump, but sometimes the urge can just be too tempting to ignore! But a firm "Off!" usually does the trick. He so eagerly wants to please that he will try to do anything you ask. And oh, how he adores people ... despite what someone did to him.
Levi was one of our dogs who we always thought would definitely do better in a single-family home. That's because he could get over-stimulated in our environment, with lots of other dogs and activity. He'd feed off the other energy, and get excited and barky and wound-up. He was never aggressive -- not for a moment, he's absolutely the gentlest thing you can imagine -- but when he got excited he'd become a bit too much. Yet whenever we'd let him hang out by himself in Widget's House, while one of us was in there cleaning or doing laundry, he'd settle down right away. After a minute of exuberantly greeting his person, he'd go quietly lie on a dog bed and happily chew on a toy. Thus we knew in a quieter environment he'd be a calmer, different dog.
We had him listed for adoption for over a year, in fact, but we only had a couple of calls on him. One of those potential adopters asked us to see how he does with cats. So we took him over to our welcome center and introduced him to our barn cat Spark ... who promptly hissed and whacked him on the nose. Levi had a very hurt look on his face -- "Wait, I didn't do anything!" -- but then proceeded to ignore Spark. No worries there.
Laura saw the "inner Levi" in this big handsome boy and decided to take him home for a test drive. He became what we predicted -- a much more mellow, quiet guy. Levi got along really well with Laura's small dog, April, and he even tries to get her cats to roughhouse with him by doing play-bows. These are a couple of photos Laura sent us of Levi at her house.
The test drive went so well -- as you can see! -- that Laura emailed and said, "He definitely is a keeper!" This past Saturday Laura dropped off Levi for daycare and overnight boarding at Camp Rolling Dog (as we call it for our adoptees who come back for a visit) while she was out of town, and then she came back Sunday afternoon to pick him up. That's when we made it "official" and I took the photo at the top of Levi with his new Mom.
Thank you, Laura!
I loved reading Laura and Levi's story. Thanks!!!!
Posted by: Gina | April 17, 2008 at 10:00 AM
Great news about Levi!!! I've had my eye on him for a long time, but I live out of state & probably have enough babies to take care of at home already. One of them is a black lab & that's why I especially was drawn to Levi so it's wonderful to hear he has found a loving home of his own. Thank you Laura & for letting us know the good news:-)
Posted by: Sandy | April 10, 2008 at 11:31 AM
What a wonderful adoption arrangement and a happy ending to Levi's story! Congrats to all who made this possible!
Posted by: Nina | April 09, 2008 at 09:23 PM
Yay for Levi!!
So happy for him.
Congratulations for Levi and new mom!!
Posted by: Lita | April 09, 2008 at 05:53 PM
Congratulations Laura, Levi, April and the feline gang!
Thank you for taking this darling boy; I'm glad he's fit into your home but of course we knew that he would....he's a pleaser.
Wishing you many years of good luck, love and companionship.
Posted by: Boundforglory | April 09, 2008 at 10:03 AM
Congratulations to Laura and Levi for this happy ending. This picture of the two of you, one red-haired and one-black haired, is lovely. Levi so deserves this love and thanks to RDR, Laura, and all for giving it to him. What a wonderful forgiving dog.
Posted by: Angela | April 09, 2008 at 09:54 AM
I am so happy for both of them...it sounds like a wonderful match.
Posted by: Debbie | April 09, 2008 at 09:12 AM
So good to hear great news!!!
Cograts to him and his new MOM
Posted by: gayle | April 09, 2008 at 08:39 AM
Another great piece of news!!
I wish Laura, her cats, Levi and April a long and happy life together!
Way to go, Levi!
Posted by: Carla Polastro-Nigro | April 09, 2008 at 04:44 AM
How wonderful!Congratulations!
Posted by: yoonamaniac | April 09, 2008 at 12:26 AM
Hurray for Levi! thats fantastic! Im sure he'll have such a happy life with laura w.
Posted by: Kate and Luke! | April 09, 2008 at 12:17 AM
Such good news!!!!! I am so happy for Levi. I know exactly what you mean about a dog becoming "a bit too much" when he is excited; one of my best little buddies at the animal shelter where i volunteer bounces up and down like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. "...but the wonderful thing about (Levi) is that he's the only one!" I am so happy that he has been adopted.
Posted by: maggie | April 08, 2008 at 11:54 PM
Whoooooooooooo!!! GREAT, GREAT news!!!
Posted by: Shirley & James, Portland, OR | April 08, 2008 at 11:25 PM
Congratulations Levi !
Good luck in your new home.
Posted by: Kylie Payeur | April 08, 2008 at 09:38 PM
Thanks to RDR and Laura for a second blissful adoption in the past week! Here's to happier times in the coming days. We've all shed far too many tears recently. Big hugs to Steve and Alayne and the furry friends in Montana living a dream!
Posted by: Carolyn Kupferschmid | April 08, 2008 at 08:52 PM
Congratulations, Levi and Laura!
Posted by: Kay Stemnock | April 08, 2008 at 08:12 PM