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« She's Got A Good Heart | Main | Thanks For The Drink »

April 27, 2008


Exelent posts

Thanks for posting!

I have a blind Beagle named Abbey. She is a year old this month. She was born with microthalmia in both eyes as well as cornea edema in her left. She has one very cloudy blue eye and her other is covered mostly by her third eyelid and the rest just kind of wanders. She is my precious baby and I wouldn't trade her for the world!

Dogs get more information via nose and ears than humans do, so I hope Austin will finally learn to live blind. He's lucky to have been picked up by you.

I bought a beagle from a breeder in PA in august...I live on Long Island...he is a pure bred but we only paid 300 dollars for him...I know nothing about dog breeding or anything, it was my first time buying a dog....however I thought 300 was cheap for a pure bred...anyway it turns out my poor Rocco is blind in his right eye and 80% blind in his left eye...the vet told me it was caused by a "breeder defect"..and that I should get my money back...I don't know what to do...any advice???

I am 12 and i have loved Beagles since i was 3 or even younger. And you just get given one. you are so lucky!!! Can you tell me where to get one. HAHAHAHA!!! By the way i hope you and your beagle are very happy together. xxx

How nice to see Alayne in front of the camera!!!

He's so adorable! Beagle-mania continues!

It is all part of the Beagle's master plan to take over the world. Plump little Beagles running the show! It's only a matter of time.

Welcome precious puppy! What a cutie!
Thanks to all involved in his all have compassionate hearts.

Congratulations, Austin!
Briggs looks like he's being punished, you know, standing in the corner thing?

Wonderful news! Austin is in the best of company now with fine tutors eager to jump in, :) Morgan S., you rock!

What a lucky little guy !
Pretty soon the beagles are going be beating the doxies !
Best of luck, Austin !

What an adorable Beagle puppy. Thanks for taking this cutie into your very capable hands!!

This is such a sweet picture -- I am so happy for little Austin that he is right where he belongs! I can't wait to see the beagle gang together when they are all settled. Alayne you are looking great. Congratulations on your new little addition.

What a cutie? So do the beagles out number the little dash hounds....

Austin is very sweet looking!

It's so hard to be patient when you have another beagle to add to the pack but you can't get close enough to get a good sniff.

Welcome home Austin!

awwwww!!! hes soooo cute!!! welcome to the RDR Austin! Hugs to all at RDR!

It looks like Briggs is using his cone like a glass to a wall to amplify the sounds next door! "What kind is it? Will I like him or her? Will we play? I'm so excited to meet the newbie!"
Austin is a cutie & so fortunate to have rescuers to get him to the fantastic RDR! Thanks so much for giving him Sanctuary!
Big hugs,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

How cute are the new RDR puppies? (Don't tell the Widge)

A very warm welcome to sweet Austin! What a cutie! He looks so content in Alayne's arms (and she looks quite happy, too:-))...

Pretty soon the Beagles may out number the Dachshunds and then it's.....the battle of the minions.

Austin is such a cutie, thanks to those involved in his rescue and to the RDR for his new home.

Widget better get busy making mischief, bc Briggs sounds like he is quite the character and might give her a run for her money!
And welcome to adorable Austin!!!! I'm sure that he will be an absolutely amazing addition... :)

Wow he is really a cutie!!! So glad he found his way to the Ranch.

Maybe Austin is a 13' beagle--very cute--another Beagle for the RDR Beagle pack!

Oh my... another cute beagle at the RDR. Welcome to the best place in the world Austin.. .:)

Aww this little guy is tooo precious. He reminds me of my beagle, Mischa. I just wanted to say thank-you from one animal-lover to another. The work you do is amazing, and you have inspired me to want to help animals in need too.

Morgan S is a saint , and I can't even put into words what she must think of you and Alayne !
Austin, I think, is going to be a major player on the RDR Championship team !!!!!!!!! :)

Welcome home, Austin Mini!

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