Alayne was fixing up the crates in Kelly's Cottage the other night, putting in fresh bedding and fluffing it up for the "burrowers" (i.e., the Dachshunds) and the "mounders" (the ones who like to pull all their bedding into a mound, arrange it just so, and then lie down on it). I was bringing dogs into the cottage while Alayne was doing this, and I looked over to see a Beagle face sticking out of a pile of bedding she'd set aside.
That's deaf Stuart, hoping we wouldn't notice him lurking under there, hiding next to his girlfriend Birdie. Stuart loves Birdie, and he is always grooming her. He especially likes licking her ears. This drives her crazy after, say, 10 minutes or so of constant tongue-in-ear. She finally says, "Enough already!" and then gets up in a huff and walks away from him. (Some guys just never learn.)
Stuart stayed buried under the bedding while I went back to the house to get the camera. I took the photo, and then promptly extracted him from underneath the pile and carefully placed him in his crate for the night. Birdie gave Stuart a furtive "nice try" glance as I carried him past her.
One of our blog readers asked for a photo of blind Widget upon her return. Well, I tried to get her up for a "I have returned!" stance, her little bowlegs a-flexin' and her tail a-bobbin', but she wasn't interested. She was doing what she does best, which is sleeping, and asked only that we wake her in time for dinner. So here she was this afternoon, sacked out in the living room:
I'm glad to see Widget back to her normal self again.
Posted by: Janet in Cambridge | March 18, 2008 at 03:33 PM
Who remembers that scene in E.T where E.T hides amongst all the stuffed toys and the mother doesn't notice him?
Posted by: Andrew, NZ | March 18, 2008 at 02:47 PM
Stuart is beautiful!!
Thanks for the Widget photo!!!
She is priceless Welcome Home
Posted by: gayle | March 18, 2008 at 11:44 AM
Noodle sure is a beauty. I have a brother and sister of hers. Jack and Chelsea. Chels looks like a border collie and Jack looks like Soba with short hair. If I ever figure out how to get my pics on here (just haven't taken time) I'll send some. I also keep in touch with their brothers Weebles in NM, Bodey in MN. Everyone is doing good. Thanks Steve and Alayne for all you do, Lisa
Posted by: lisa clark | March 18, 2008 at 10:47 AM
Birdie is very pretty so I can understand Stuart wanting to be around her all the time.
I hope Widget got her dinner on time...great caption for her!
Glad she's doing just woofie. : )
Posted by: Boundforglory | March 18, 2008 at 10:10 AM
Both photos are simply adorable! Thank you Steve for taking them and sharing them with your faithful blog-readers.:-)
Widget looks sooo relaxed... Isn't it great how our pets, upon their return from the vet's or a boarding kennel, immediately go back to their routines without a hitch?
A big hug to all RDR residents (two and four-legged, of course:-)).
Posted by: Carla Polastro-Nigro | March 18, 2008 at 04:37 AM
Rudy is going to be so jealous that Birdie has a new man in her life!
Posted by: Kate and Luke! | March 18, 2008 at 01:02 AM
So sweet that Stuart has found a beautiful friend in Birdie, AND a warm fleecy nest!
And better yet, seeing Widget back home and on the mend! Totally "GOOD THINGS".
Posted by: Margaret | March 17, 2008 at 07:01 PM