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« We Lost Dillon | Main | I Know I Can Do This »

February 11, 2008


Watch out labs and dachsunds here comes the beagle brigade!

Well, you can HAVE Uno, I'll take Briggs as my Westminster winner any old day :)

Welcome to RDR Heaven, sweetie !!

I agree with the comment posted by Carla and don't think it's corny at all, I'm sure Dillon had "a paw" in the whole Briggs saga. After all, isn't that what love is? A force that never truly leaves us and lives on. Dillon's unconditional love for you and yours for him lives on.

Here's to Dillon and his love that lives on!

HAPPY VALETINE'S DAY every one . I for one think Steve and Alayne should be made PERMANENT icon's for Valetine's Day Well, hello Mr Briggs and welcome. What a cutie.There will be some fun times around the ranch with Briggs in residence. I have a hunch he will teach Widget a thing or two about being a BEAGLE!!! Joe and I were so very sorry to hear of the passing of your old and dear friend Dillon. We concur with EVERY one of the 63 posts about Dillon. You must know that with all that love and support , you are EXACTLY where you are meant to be on your life's road. That is one great gift!!!!!!! Hope your hearts are a little lighter as the days go by. Stay well

What a sweet Beagle Briggs is.

I just read your last post and I am so sorry for your loss, Steve and Alayne. Dillon was so blessed to have you both. He will always be with you in spirit.

Hang in there and take care of yourselves. I know you must miss him terribly.

What a handsome face! So glad you are able to take this boy and give him a chance at life at the ranch.

Mr. Briggs is darling and SO lucky to now have a solid and loving home awaiting him. Thank you for taking him! I'm sure all your Beagles will howl with delight when he arrives.

wow! when i first saw the pic i thought it was widget now bein called briggs for somethin she have done, but no, it was indeed another dog called briggs who looked like widget(except for the legs!)another addition to the RDR family! welcome briggs! you'll love it there! hugs to everyone at RDR!

I'm not sure the world is ready for two Widgets living together. There might be a critical mass reached here and we will have a world dominated by fat little Napoleons in Beagle uniforms.

I know it sounds corny:-), but I can't help thinking that Uncle Dillon "had a paw" in sending Briggs your way...

I'm also positive that Briggs will love living at RDR!

God bless you all.

Congratulations on your adoption of Mr. Briggs! He is so cute!

Hi, I just wanted to say that it looks to me like Briggs also suffers from Cerebellar Hypoplasia. I've had quite a few dogs and cats with this condition come in to my rescue. I can't even begin to tell you how precious each and every one of them is and how quickly they will grow on you... but then I'm sure you've already found that out!

Briggs looks like he could be a perfect resident for RDR! The poor fella looks like he needs to be neutered. What a sweet boy and thank goodness somebody cared enough to call RDR. Thank God that the Sanctuary exists for these disabled but joyous creatures.

Anybody who has loved and lost a beloved animal feels the dagger in their heart when reading the losses you suffer at the Ranch. I cried many tears of sorrow the night I read you blog on Uncle Dillon.

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