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« Heartbreak | Main | Trooper Goes In For Surgery »

February 18, 2008


Do I dare tell you it was 86 degrees here today? I'd rather have snow!! That was an awesome blog!!! Great job and glad you made it home safe!!

Who plows the private roads? It's beautiful both in the summer and winter. You two are living your dream and we get to hop in for the ride.

What a beautiful Montana winter!!!Great photos!

I found you on google maps!

Great travelogue! You have quite a bit more snow than us. We have only had two big storms of note so far this winter.
You have an excellent blog and your posts are a pleasure to read! You really should consider writing a book about the Ranch.

Great Idea Steve...was a beautiful day to take pictures!! Shows how gorgeous the mountains are in the winter. Gives everyone who hasn't had the opporunity to visit the ranch a better idea of what it looks like and how to get there.

What GORGEOUS scenery! I wish we got that much snow here in VA!

Thanks for the lovely pictures! I've been through Helmville before, so I have been in your neck of the "woods". I really enjoyed getting to see the approach to the fantastic RDR!
Big hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

I am praying for Trooper's surgical success. Please keep us updated on the blog. He looks so adorable now. You have done wonderful things for this pet. Thank you and best wishes for a successful procedure.

WOW...this was a fun journey to take with you Steve! Thank you for showing us the the beauty of a Montana winter road trip...awesome!!

Thank you for the Trooper update and the travel pictures.
I have wanted to see the ranch area for a long time and now I have a great set of pictures to look at. Beautiful area.

Good Luck Trooper!Thanks for the beautiful Photos!!!

Thank you!! Only looks a little different from when we visited during August!!! :)

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