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February 07, 2008


Happy Belated Birthday Cash! What a handsome young man you are!!

Birthday greetings to the handsome boy!

Cash is so handsome! I love him! I'm glad he found a fantastic place to live where he is obviously a happy boy!!! I hope to visit Cash some time.

Cash looks so handsome and strong! Of course, the both of you look strong with that blizzard blowing around you!
Happy Birthday devilishly sweet Cash! gave the wonderful gift of life to Cash. Thank you.

Whatcha feeding that boy? Last time I saw him in Sept, he still looked like a colt. Many happy returns and a long and happy life to you, Cash.

btw - Is he named after Johnny?

Happy Birthday Cash!!!
What a handsome boy you are!!
Thank you Rolling Dog Ranch for taking a really good care of Cash :)
God Bless everyone at RDR!!

Happy birthday handsome boy!

I like that he is "Mr. Full-of-Himself." It means that through the love and kindness he has experienced with you that he knows that his life really does matter.

Happy Birthday, Cash. You've turned into a great looking horse.
You keep those sisters in line, that's what brother are for.
Happy Birthday, and may you have many, many more at RDR.

I just made a contribution to the ranch as a birthday gift for Cash!

I hope other blog readers will consider it too.

I can't believe how much he has grown in just one year. What a handsome boy. Happy Birthday Cash!

He is the sweet little devil!! But oh what a handsome boy he is turning in to be!! Thanks Steve/Alayne for getting a picture of him for everyone to see in the howling snowstorm!! Just goes to show your dedication!!

A special thanks to Mary Y. who contacted you about Cash. Without your love and devotion we never would have know him. God Bless.

I wish a very, very Happy First Birthday to your little sweet devil, Cash!!!

In just a short year, he has turned into such a handsome fellow!

Please give him a huge hug (and a special treat) for me, will you?

Happy Birthday Cash! You've certainly done a lot of growing this past year! You must have been "eatting your wheaties!" Gosh, you have a LOT of snow! Brrrr! Guess there was plenty of "frosting" for Cash's birthday cake!
Big hugs to the birthday boy,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Oh My Gosh! He's beautiful!Can't wait to see him again!I think he likes that snow!

Happy Birthday you beautiful boy!!!

A very, very happy birthday to Cash! The weather look a bit better a year ago too!

What a handsome fellow he is!

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