I was walking back from Beauty's Barn this morning when I saw Stuart the deaf Beagle in our yard -- looking very, very stuck. He was only moving his head, first one way, then the other, with a mournful look on his adorable face. Maybe he heard about Herbie's post earlier this week and figured this would get him on the blog, too. (Hmm.)
Upon further investigation, it was clear that Stuart had encountered his first 'spatial reasoning' test and flunked.
Of course, he had wedged himself between the gate and the post we hang the gate on, not at the other end where the gate swings open. That would have been too easy.
Here's what he looked like from above:
Beagle-boy ... what were you thinking?
Having taken Spatial Reasoning 101 myself and passed, I pointed out to Stuart that if he could somehow fit through the opening going in, then surely ... surely! ... he could fit through it going back out. He wasn't buying that argument.
So it took a two-person Beagle Extraction Team to free this boy. Gloria helped me as we lifted his front end off the ground, then turned one shoulder up and in, making him just slim enough to squeeze through ... and we pushed him back out.
Stuart has been here just a few weeks but he has completely stolen our hearts. He is a perfect house dog, gets along with everyone, has excellent manners, and is a very affectionate, loving, and funny little guy. Just like Widget except, yes, he's got real legs. We are thrilled to have him. You can expect many more posts on this boy ... just not like this one, I hope!
Update on the Firedog contest: We learned that the Grand Prize went to "Hank" and Neuse River Golden Retriever Rescue of Raleigh, NC. However, the Rolling Dog Ranch will still receive a contribution of $1,000 ... and $1 for each vote we received -- we don’t know how many that is yet, but we will keep you posted. We are so appreciative of Kim Taylor for selecting us to participate in this contest. Thank you Kim and Summitt -- and thanks to all of you who voted for Summitt!
I'm so happy that the RDR got a nice donation from Firedog! This is excellent news :)
Stuart looks adorable stuck there! Glad you were able to get him out! Never a dull moment there at the Ranch!!
Posted by: Carisa | February 09, 2008 at 04:27 PM
I'm so happy that the RDR got a nice donation from Firedog! This is excellent news :)
Stuart looks adorable stuck there! Glad you were able to get him out! Never a dull moment there at the Ranch!!
Posted by: Carisa | February 09, 2008 at 04:20 PM
Stuart--you are precious!
Posted by: Shirley & James, Portland, OR | February 02, 2008 at 12:21 AM
Good thing you passed up that career in trailblazing, Stuart! :D Hugs to you, doggy boy.
Posted by: Moon Rani | February 01, 2008 at 11:15 AM
Nicely done, Stuart! Not only your own blog but a complimentary comparison to the (in)famous Miss Widget. The sky's the limit now, buddy!
Posted by: Linda | January 31, 2008 at 11:14 AM
Stuart does look irresistible! I'm glad he's brought much joy and amusement to the ranch, he looks like he would, especially from this post!
Wow...the firedog contribution is nice and hopefully it can be tripled by the time votes are tallied up.
Posted by: Boundforglory | January 31, 2008 at 09:11 AM
Awww! Poor Baby! Beagle-Cicles! That's cute! I hope he does not try that again!!!
Posted by: Lahna Zandi | January 31, 2008 at 08:47 AM
Stuart, it worked!!! You got your own blog, just like Herbie who needed rescuing!
Posted by: Nina | January 30, 2008 at 09:26 PM
ok - selfish of me, I know... but I'm liking the cold weather in RDR land - lately it means that the blog updates get posted earlier :- ) (Though, hope you have warmer weather soon.)
Welcome Stuart - look forward to hearing more about you - and hoping you figure out the gate-thing soon so we don't have to worry about stories about frozen beagle-cicles showing up in the blog.
Posted by: Karen | January 30, 2008 at 08:20 PM