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« Tyler's Version of Bed, Bath and Beyond | Main | Good News On Ellie May »

January 30, 2008


I'm so happy that the RDR got a nice donation from Firedog! This is excellent news :)

Stuart looks adorable stuck there! Glad you were able to get him out! Never a dull moment there at the Ranch!!

I'm so happy that the RDR got a nice donation from Firedog! This is excellent news :)

Stuart looks adorable stuck there! Glad you were able to get him out! Never a dull moment there at the Ranch!!

Stuart--you are precious!

Good thing you passed up that career in trailblazing, Stuart! :D Hugs to you, doggy boy.

Nicely done, Stuart! Not only your own blog but a complimentary comparison to the (in)famous Miss Widget. The sky's the limit now, buddy!

Stuart does look irresistible! I'm glad he's brought much joy and amusement to the ranch, he looks like he would, especially from this post!

Wow...the firedog contribution is nice and hopefully it can be tripled by the time votes are tallied up.

Awww! Poor Baby! Beagle-Cicles! That's cute! I hope he does not try that again!!!

Stuart, it worked!!! You got your own blog, just like Herbie who needed rescuing!

ok - selfish of me, I know... but I'm liking the cold weather in RDR land - lately it means that the blog updates get posted earlier :- ) (Though, hope you have warmer weather soon.)

Welcome Stuart - look forward to hearing more about you - and hoping you figure out the gate-thing soon so we don't have to worry about stories about frozen beagle-cicles showing up in the blog.

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