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« Another Snow Dog | Main | Here, Take My Photo Please »

November 22, 2007


This is a beautiful picture!!! Love it.

BRRRRR! I thought it was chilly here! Glad everyone is tucked it safely fed & warm! That's a beautiful snow scene. A belated Happy Thanksgiving. I'm so grateful to you & Alayne for all that you do for those under your watchful eyes & loving care at the marvelous RDR! Thanks for creating such a loving haven for those that are there.
Hug from Tx,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit ( the cat that adopted us)

Brrrrrr ... it was 60 degrees in Cambridge! That's not right, either.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your creatures.

You have a very beautiful backyard. I'm so happy everyone had a great emergency trips to vet or anything.

Brrrr...funny how it turns so cold, so quickly. We had our first snowfall in Toronto on Wednesday and the temperature has dropped down to 2C (last week it was still a lovely 14C - sorry, don't know what that is in F :). Happy belated Thanksgiving to all the inhabitants of RDR!

A belated happy Thanksgiving to you both and all your fur friends.
Hugs from Miranda and her fur friends: Alesha, Beige, Chloe, Daisy, Erin, Mini Me, Saffron, and Zelda

My wish for Thanksgiving Day at the RDR was for a day with no animal medical problems, so the humans could have a calm day. This post gives me the impression that things were relaxed enough that you could take the moment to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of your surroundings. Peace to all....

Happy Thanksgiving to both of you, Steve and Alayne!

I know that the furry critters are thankful for you two and all those involved in their getting a second chance in life.

Wishing you God's best.

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
Carl Bard

The above quote reminds me of the animals at RDR. Steve, we really enjoy how you write. We are truly thankful for all the "second chance" animals that are saved and loving life because of RDR! May the work you and Alayne continue for a very, very long time!!! Thank you!

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