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« Here, Take My Photo Please | Main | Another Blind Foal Gets A Chance ... With Someone Else »

November 26, 2007


Tyler, you are an amazing actor!!!Hollywood, here I am!!!
Precious photo!!

...and the Oscar goes to the wonderful Tyler. Tyler can really grap your heart with this look.

Perhaps part of "Tyler's own, little world" includes "white noise," similar to tinnitus, that only he can hear. Some hearing impairments cause this, and it can be loud at times. I imagine that would be confusing to an animal.

Tyler does look troubled (about dinner time) but luckily a hug and some attention to the drama dog is a soothing antidote.
What an amazing little act he has going! ha..ha!

Hey, that looks familiar - my dog Buster has the same act going too! And as soon as I say, "aww, poor Buster, what's wrong?" he's all wagging his tail and acting like the happiest dog on earth - go figure!

O yes, the "nobody loves me, everybody hates me, i'm gonna eat some worms" look? My girl does this very skillfully! She has a talent for drooping her lower eyelids and making her eyes seem very red and teary - almost like a Basset hound, only she is a Corgi-mix (Don't ask me, I don't know how she does this - there is nothing wrong with her eyes). It always happens when I've been reading/working/studying for a while and not given her any attention in, say 10 minutes. No sound - just a teary, red-eyed stare from below the brows. And unfortunately(!!) it works every time - who can resist it?
It is very hot and dusty here, yesterday's snow photo's looked very inviting. Hugs to Tyler - he works for them! Warm greetings to all.

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