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« Seeing The Beauty In Imperfection | Main | We're In Orlando. Not Ovando. »

November 30, 2007


It is, as the Disney Organization would have you believe, a small world. When she was at the Eye Care For Animals office in Chicago last December, Dr. Kaese gave our Clancy his regular eye pressure check. It's a long way from a dachshund to an Appaloosa, but Clancy got the same loving care as the big guys.

What a great way for the Ranch to give back to the horse community--yet again! This is an exciting project! Hopefully this project will PROVE a cangenital basis for the disease that the AHC will finally acknowledge, so we can start seeing decrease in it's occurance over the next generations.

Keep up the advocacy for the Appaloosas'!

It is wonderful, especially in this Christmas season, to see these three Wise-Women trekking out to the snow covered barns of Rolling Dog Ranch, hoping to find another piece of the miracle that will cure this terrible disease that causes such pain and blindness in these beautiful animals.
Mary Ware

Every day I read here I learn something new. Thank you so much for sharing.

Methinks the Appaloosa Horse Club is simply waiting for someone else to do the hard work so they can simply "post" the information.

Unfortunately trying to get a breed organization to recognize anything wrong with their chosen type is almost impossible. The one place I have found it IS possible is in the reputable dog breeders. They readily promote investigation of genetic problems and are more than willing to make their dogs' data available, as in the case of hip problems, splenic torsion, and bloat(Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs).
Horses, not so much. I recall a big problem in Arabian horses when I had a few around our farm in regards to some genetic problems that if both parents carried the genes, the foal would die of CID (combined immunodeficiency). Also, paint horses have "lethal white" syndrome. Quarter horses have HYPP that has plagued their breed for decades.
Since all of these registries are closed, you can only pick from what is available and if you choose incorrectly you lose and so does your horse.

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