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« Waiter, There's A Horse In My Soup | Main | Forbidden Fruit »

October 30, 2007


Ellie May is adorable! I have a cocker myself, Cassie, and was just given the news that both of her eyes have to go too. *think Ellie May plus a few black spots.*
I am absolutely terrified. How will she react, how will she feel? Will she feel betrayed that ''Momma took her eyes''. How has Ellie handled the surgery and change? Back to her same old self?

Thanks for sending me to read about her via facebook! She sounds JUST like my Keller! The loyalty my blind and deaf foster Cocker Spaniel devotes to me is heartwarming. Sounds like you've got the same! We are their eyes and ears, and they are very grateful for us!


I am about in tears over Ellie and her devotion to you. She's finally found someone who she trusts and she knows loves her. That's all she needs. Bless you.

Your animals are so blessed to have a home with you. You have given each and every one of them a new life. Bless you both.

You have such a cute posse! Who needs those useless eyes anyway! I'm so glad she's healthy and happy! She seems to see with her heart anyway.

cute, charming, loyal. Yep, she's one in a minion!

(Sorry. couldn't resist.)

Ellie looks so much happier and healthier than she did in her first photo. And she gave her little, loving heart to Steve - - how sweet! It reminds me of the small cat I inherited several years ago. She turned out to be a man-loving feline who is absolutely crazy about my very dear friend.

Steve's new title: Minion Master II.

It's about time!

Ellie Mae is such a precious little dog. I'm so happy she is with you both. I, too, had a blind cock-a-poo..and I just loved her. She passed away a year or so ago after having her 12 years. It seems like part of my family is gone. Give Ellie Mae a big hug for me. And God Bless u both for caring for our precious animals.

What a sweet girl. I'm glad to see it's pay back time for all those times you pick on poor Oscar when Alyanes away.

Another wonderful ending!! So cute!!!

What a sweet little girl! Glad to hear Ellie May is doing so well after her surgery. Congrats on your first minion, Steve! Happy Halloween to you and the rest of the RDR gang.

SO adorable - what a sweetheart!

Everyone should have their own minion and it appears you have been selected by one of the cutest. Congrats! Does she just swoon if you take her on your lap to cuddle?

Hi every one, Happy Halloween. Well, Steve , looks like you have your own adorable shadow!! What a great story . Ellie knows good people!!! Steve is a KEEPER, Alayne, he cooks!!!!!!! So happy to hear Ellie is doing so well. Joe is a FAR better cook than I. Take care. Give Ellie a big hug from her fans and maybe an extra cookie !!!!! Bye

YAY! Steve finally has a minion of his own! HA HA

I have such a love for Ellie May, which I am sure so many people do. I am happy for her, but still a little sad, that her life has been so hard before she arrived at the Ranch. Thank God she has you !

I'm SO glad Ellie May is doing well and has found....YOU, Steve!
Now you and Alayne have minion stories to share!

Happy Halloween....I hope your day is filled with all treats and a few fun animal tricks.

It must feel nice to finally have your own fan club! She's so adorable!

She is just the sweetest thing ever :)

She is so cute!! This is great it's pay back time for all those times you picked on poor Oscar when Alayne is away. You finnaly have your "buddy"

Ellie May knows a great person when she smells him! She was in alot of pain when she was with a woman...she came to you & you got her out of her pain. (This is just a guess on my part, but who knows?) She's a happy camper, & I'm so glad that she's no longer in pain! She's such a cutie pie!
Hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Aren't you just thrilled at how she has adjusted from the sad, frightened little girl to your newest groupie? Thank you for making room in your home and your hearts for her!

Lucky you, what a precious little doll she is.

She looks so sweet! It only seems fair that Steve has finally got a minion of his own!;-)

A big hug to both from Italy!

The pic of Ellie May nearly broke my heart. I don't know why, but the thought of her in all that pain for so long and now leading a new life in a new place, she has chosen what she feels secure with and that is you Steve.

Plus you NEED your own minion. Alayne's Minion Positions are full, so perhaps a break away group to keep them on their toes?

Congratulations, and thankyou for taking in Ellie May. For caring for her and giving her a wonderful quality of life.

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