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« Dusty's Melanoma | Main | Whose Lunch Is It, Yours Or Mine? »

September 30, 2007


It looks just lovely! I have noticed, every time I visit, what a superior website this is and wondered who was responsible for its design.

What a talented designer Terrel Armstrong is - and I so admire her generous donation of time & creativity for Rolling Dog!

Great job on the website, Terrel!

I like the addition of blog photos in the middle, that's going to capture a lot of attention, and remind new visitors to read up on the ranch's daily activities.

No problems viewing anything on my end, Steve.

You have one of the best sites out there--clean, crisp, easy to navigate. Thanks, Terrell, for a beautiful site. These things don't just happen, y'know!

The newsletter is great, as usual. We were thrilled to see beautiful Nevada as "covergirl" and better yet to see she's adopted.

Great job! Next stop, posting onto our coffeeroom bulletin board at work.

Well everything you do at RDR. How is Shiloh?

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