On Monday we're rolling out a new Web site, BlindAppaloosas.org, devoted to the problem of blindness in the Appaloosa horse breed. Appaloosas are much more likely to get uveitis, the leading cause of blindness in horses, and are more likely to go blind as a result.
What's the increased risk? One study showed that Appaloosas are eight times more likely to get uveitis and four times more likely to go blind, compared to other horses.
This is why, of our 25 blind horses, 13 are Appaloosas. That's no fluke. We used photos of several of our blind Appys to illustrate the new Web site.
So we decided to do what we could to focus attention on this very real problem in the breed. This is the first time all the veterinary research on the subject has been brought together in one place.
Our view is that the Appaloosa Horse Club, the official breed association, needs to publicly acknowledge the breed's risk for uveitis and blindness -- they never have -- and begin funding research into the genetic links between this affliction and Appaloosas. While the research demonstrates the breed's significantly increased risk, we don't know why Appaloosas are so prone to this disability. And if we don't know why the breed is at such risk, we can't do anything about it. There is a lot of work that needs to be done.
Please let us know what you think!
You rock! Thanks for bringing attention to our loved blindies and letting people know there is life after blindness!
Posted by: Lisa | September 28, 2007 at 12:21 AM
EXCELLENT website and resource!!!
Posted by: Shirley & James, Portland, OR | September 27, 2007 at 12:57 AM
Great website. I am wondering if this is part of Diva's problem, a horse in rehab at Hope for Horses in Woodinville where I volunteer. When I looked at those photos of eyes, I thought of her bad eye. I'll have to ask next weekend. I'm also (so far) pretty horse ignorant, so I can't tell if she's an Appy - but she looks sort of like one, don't you think?
Great work, anyway, you folks are awesome.
Mary E.
Posted by: Mary Tappero | September 25, 2007 at 10:32 PM
I have a 32 year old App who, thankfully,has no problem with uveitis. While I agree the App Horse Club should be educating the public, any prospective owner should educate themselves as well. The info is out there. I have always felt those Apps with light, pink, or white skin around the eyes might be more susceptible. My guy wears a fly mask from April through October to keep sunlight out of his eyes more than to keep the flies away.
Posted by: Rennie | September 25, 2007 at 08:52 PM
Too much "breeding for type" has resulted in too many purebreds with kinks in their DNA spirals, whether horse or dog. It's very sad for the animals. I'd take a grade horse or a rez dog with street cred over a pedigree any day.
Posted by: Linda Metzger | September 25, 2007 at 07:18 PM
I shared this with a couple of my "horsey" friends yesterday who are likewise spreading the word. You have new fans of your important work. YAY RDR!
Posted by: Margaret | September 25, 2007 at 03:44 PM
Yes! This is important work. You should contact as many large animal vets as possible, to petition the Appaloosa Horse Club to at least acknowledge there is a problem. Also to fund research.
If there is a preventative to be found, it won't be found without research. Good luck!
P.S. I live in Oklahoma, where there are plenty of horses, therefore plenty of vets. I'll do my part to contact some in order to put some pressure on the club.
Posted by: Richard Blanc | September 24, 2007 at 06:59 PM
What a terrific site! How do you ever find the time to launch yet another campaign to help animals? You guys are amazing. Info on the new site is easy to understand, even for a non-horsey person. Startling statistics. Lots of info. If Appy owners learn the facts, they should really put the pressure on the Association. Great job!
Posted by: Debbie Burke | September 24, 2007 at 06:25 PM
Good and worthwhile project! There is a link between the white color and the eye problems. For example, your blind white Great Danes. Also, the "fatal white" Australian Shepherds. White color is produced by a recessive gene, and when bred for that quality (or bred in a way that allows that color to manifest) the other recessive genes that cause problems can manifest.
Education is always the key!
Posted by: Nancy | September 24, 2007 at 12:29 PM
Great!Maybe with studies they can find some answers to this problem in the breed & develop a vaccine or medicine that will keep it from occuring.Great work Rolling Dog!
Posted by: Mary Young | September 24, 2007 at 08:50 AM