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« Waiter, We'll Have A Side Order Of Grain With Our Dinner | Main | How About A Kiss? »

September 18, 2007


Looks like a hot stone massage to me; although a few stones are normally places on the spine, not the spine into a batch of rocks but I think Birdie is onto a new technique for stone massage.
What a smart and adorable girl!

Your blog is great! Even during tough times there is always a good feeling knowing how well the animals are loved and cared for at RDR. You all do such a wonderful job...keep up the great work!!!

I'm going to venture a guess that the rocks have some sort of accupressure massage effect. How's that for a wild guess? Oh, & they could have been warm too. I like the pics of Bossy Birdy! Another camera hound!
Hugs all around,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Your animals make me laugh, and sometimes your writing make me laugh even harder. Here's an idea! You should write a children's book about your critters and have it published have all profits go to rdr. The great thing is you wouldn't need an illustrator since you have all these photos!! Send a case here to Michigan and I'll sell them all! And call for more! You have a gift that is for sure! And maybe you could help disabled kids come to grips with their abilities and such. With a book about critters with "other" abilities.

Your animals make me laugh, and sometimes your writing make me laugh even harder. Here's an idea! You should write a children's book about your critters and have it published have all profits go to rdr. The great thing is you wouldn't need an illustrator since you have all these photos!! Send a case here to Michigan and I'll sell them all! And call for more! You have a gift that is for sure! And maybe you could help disabled kids come to grips with their abilities and such. With a book about critters with "other" abilities.

What a precious roll'n rock star!!! Ranch life is sooo good for you so you keep rockin', Birdie!

Looks like a good back scratch to me Birdie!!

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