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« Recognition For The Animals | Main | Shade-Man Changes His Tree »

August 07, 2007


perhaps one of the few blog titles where "tons" really does mean just that! You guys available to help me bring the three large dog food bags into my house? :-)

Don't throw your backs out in the hand moving part.

Wow! So glad you got machine help with unloading all of that food!Will Cash be searching for a bag of milk replacement? He might think you just ran out & they put some on this shipment of goodies!

What comes to mind when I see this and read your mention of farmers tan is Kenny Chesney's song, "she thinks my tractor's sexy". Just change the tractor to trailer, I'm sure you know the rest of the song. I would agree with it in your case too. :-)

We're glad you've made progress because that means more time to spend with your lovely residents at the Rolling Dog!!!

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