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« We Named Them Tibby and Fibby | Main | He's Not Lonesome George, But He's Close »

August 28, 2007


Get well real soon Ash, hope you will be back in the barn in no time. I know you will be dreaming of all the little mice.

You take such good care of your animals. That poor sweetie!


Spending time in a cage for 6 weeks is not going to be a picnic for Ash! I hope she will get better real soon so she can continue to be on "rodent patrol."

poor darlin. where is that coverage when you need it !

Well, I must say, if Ash had to get hurt, she was in the best possible place! How many barn cats would have been taken to the vet for treatment & surgery? None to my knowledge! She is one fortunate cat! I hope she heals quickly & she certaily is beautiful!
Healing hugs to Ash,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

Keeping that poor cat in a cage for 6-8 weeks should be lots of fun!! Speedy recovery, Ash. p.s. Stay away from hooves.

Aww, the poor thing. Although I truly feel sorry for whoever - 2 or 4 legged - is trying to sleep in the same building with a yowling caged up cat for the next few weeks - good luck to you all!!!! :)

Ouch, getting stepped on by a few hundred pounds must have really hurt! I hope she heels quickly, being strong and young probably helps, so she can get back to her mousing duties.
It was so nice to see her (except for the reason) all grown up. I still remember her little baby face only a few days old.
Well wishes to Ash for a full and speedy recovery!

This reminds me of our old barn cats. We had 3 or 4 horses several years ago and most of them just ignored the cats. However, we had one NSH mare who absolutely loathed any animal smaller than herself that was not a horse. She'd purposely try and stomp on any cats who got in her way.
One time while trail riding in our back forty, one of our "lions" was walking in front of her about 30 feet away. She pulled out of my hands and chased the cat off the trail, unfortunately nailing his tail.
He was known as stubby after he had surgery to remove the damaged tail bits.
I can tell you that after that incident none of the cats ever came near Edna again.

Oh get well soon little Ash! I hope you are on Rodent Patrol soon.

pats and cuddles.


Poor Ash! All serious injuries deserve compensation, so I hope there are lots of rodents waiting for Ash at the end of her six weeks! You're right she's not going to like being confined but maybe she'll heal quickly. Sending her prayers for a speedy recovery!

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