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« He's Not Lonesome George, But He's Close | Main | Puff Died This Evening »

August 29, 2007


Good Morning Steve and every one Steve; Thank you so much for sharing. Joe and I have learned so much in the eight months we have known about RDR. We now know something about horses , their medical problems and the medical procedures to make them feel better . Keep up the good work . You and Alayne and the people you work with are ANGELS!!!!!!! Bless you and take care Bye for now.......

I'm so glad that the Copper Kid is back at the RDR & didn't fall in the trailer! That would have been horrible! I hope he gets better with time. It's great that Roy made great improvements in just a day. Maybe Roy feeling better will rub off on the Copper Kid....if only it were that easy.
Hugs to all,
ginger, Tobias & Tlingit

I'm glad you're back home, Copper Kid. Take it easy, one step at a time, literally.

Roy, I'm so very glad to hear you've got a new spring in your step. Good farriers are worth their weight in gold. No hoof, no horse. I know you're a mule, but you're half horse so it applies to you, too.

Two BIG Welcome Home's to Copper and Roy!

Copper went through quite an amazing process at WSU. They gave him wonderful care; thank you WSU!

We hope both of these handsome guys flourish at RDR.

welcome back, Copper Kid!

I'm so glad to hear that Roy's feeling much better already. I hope he won't be needing too much cortisone, as it has so many nasty side effects.

A big hug to all of you from Italy.

Welcome Home Copper Kid! It's so strange to see these massive animals being worked on! Prayers to Copper Kid for a steady life. Awesome about Roy!

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