I got this shot of wobbly Noodle and three-legged Cody sharing a cot yesterday afternoon. What's interesting about this is that Cody is really not big on sharing space, let alone with a wobbly pup like Noodle who might at any moment flop over on him like a wave crashing on shore. But here he was, quite content to lie on the cot with her.
Cody is our resident "hall monitor," as we call him. He's always bossing around the younger, more rambunctious dogs, and he's at his bossiest when the youngsters are crowding him. So to find him like this was rather surprising.
As you can tell from yesterday's post and today's, there's a lot of sharing going on at the Rolling Dog Ranch!
(Click on photo for larger image.)
Loved the "cute dogs" photo!!! Life is certainly grand lazing about enjoying the bright sun!
Posted by: Nina | June 14, 2007 at 09:21 PM
He must have been there when she struggled up to be with him, and was too kind to her to jump off! Sometimes the kindness of animals just amazes me.
Posted by: Nancy | June 14, 2007 at 02:15 PM
This is a great photo. They are adorable. I'm not sure which is which. Is noodle on the left and Cody on the right?
Posted by: Nicole | June 14, 2007 at 02:04 PM
Boy shares with wobbly girl; it's a good match! Noodle looks a bit swoony for Cody in this picture too, maybe she has a motive for being so close to him. tee-hee...
Posted by: Boundforglory | June 14, 2007 at 09:37 AM
Good Morning Steve and Alayne - Can you tell me where you get the dog cots from, or do you make them? My dog is 13 and hates bugs, so he gets the heebie jeebies if he lays outside for long, but he likes being outdoors with me in the yard - one of those would be perfect for him! Thanks and lots of hugs to the gang!
Posted by: Katy | June 14, 2007 at 09:22 AM
Everybody is getting into that "summer" laid back mood--even Cody! I love this blog!
Posted by: Shirley & James | June 14, 2007 at 02:32 AM