Here's another "outtake" from the newsletter photo shoot with Soba and Noodle. I should have used this shot yesterday instead of the two sisters wrestling (see post below), because this happened before the girls got off their cots to roughhouse with each other. Nevada the blind puppy seems to always keep popping up in our photos. She maintained a discreet distance during the photo shoot, but as soon as it was over -- I'm not sure how she really knew we were finished -- she made a beeline for the cots and her two friends.
I think Nevada had every intention of settling in for a snooze with the wobblies, but Soba soon had other plans. The gentle, snuggly scene in this photo lasted all of, well, about 45 seconds. Notice Soba's mischievious, ready-to-pounce posture. I think the thought going through her little head at this point was, "Hmm, sis is lying down ... she's not even looking. She might even be starting to fall asleep. This could be my moment."
And then pounce she did, sending both of them off their cots and into their wrestling match. This left a somewhat surprised Nevada behind, alone on the cot. That's when Nevada climbed down and wandered off to sit in the tall grass, as you saw in the photo from yesterday's post.
(Click on photos for larger image.)
I haven't been able to check in for awhile so I was so excited to see pics of the girls! They look so happy and content and it looks like they have a great little buddy! :)
Posted by: Danielle | June 26, 2007 at 04:33 PM
I haven't been able to check in for awhile so I was so excited to see pics of the girls! They look so happy and content and it looks like they have a great little buddy! :)
Posted by: Danielle | June 26, 2007 at 04:33 PM
What a delightful "sorority" of new sisters at RDR. It's a pure delight to see their delight in each day- "puppiness" enthusiasm totally loving life, adapting to their physical challenges. Nevada, Soba, Noodle and Kasha are all irresistible, BEAUTIFUL treasures.
Posted by: Margaret | June 20, 2007 at 12:34 PM
Their faces are so beautiful, vibrant and kissable! If I were on a cot; I'd be falling off of it right now. ha..ha!
Thanks for this post, Steve, now we know the full story.
Posted by: Boundforglory | June 20, 2007 at 09:16 AM
"Joy comes from using your potential." Isn't that the truth of all the residents at Rolling Dog Ranch!
Posted by: Shirley & James | June 20, 2007 at 12:48 AM