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« Chaos Vs. Serenity | Main | Dachshunds 1-2-3 »

June 19, 2007


I haven't been able to check in for awhile so I was so excited to see pics of the girls! They look so happy and content and it looks like they have a great little buddy! :)

I haven't been able to check in for awhile so I was so excited to see pics of the girls! They look so happy and content and it looks like they have a great little buddy! :)

What a delightful "sorority" of new sisters at RDR. It's a pure delight to see their delight in each day- "puppiness" enthusiasm totally loving life, adapting to their physical challenges. Nevada, Soba, Noodle and Kasha are all irresistible, BEAUTIFUL treasures.

Their faces are so beautiful, vibrant and kissable! If I were on a cot; I'd be falling off of it right now. ha..ha!
Thanks for this post, Steve, now we know the full story.

"Joy comes from using your potential." Isn't that the truth of all the residents at Rolling Dog Ranch!

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