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« Kasha Comes To The Ranch | Main | The Calm Before The Storm »

June 18, 2007


When I saw the pics of Noodle and Soba with Nevada in the b/g I immediately thought of "Where's Waldo"?
Nevada is a cutie. Always in the b/g of the action spot. We enjoy the blogs so much. Thank you for the stories.

There does not seem to be a dull moment at the ranch!!! These furry critters are so precious! Thanks for sharing a glimpse into the dogs' lives!

According to the book On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals by Turid Rugaas, yawning is a "calming signal" that dogs use to calm each other. Brody yawning might not have been detachment - he might have been trying to calm the girls down by yawning.

In spite of that the chaos/serenity analysis is perfect. And of course the photos are adorable!

My two long-haired German shepherd dogs--both rescues--also play like that. The snarls, growls, and canine teeth are scary--but they both seem to love it. (I will say that the female is the boss, and the bigger male has a few scars to prove it.) Isn't it wonderful that Noodle and Soba have the chance to lead such a normal life? Bless you for what you do!

I just love those wobbly girls!

Noodle and Soba are going to be the most beautiful super models on the cover of any issue!

I find Soba and Noodles so inspiring; even with their constant wiggling and wobbling, they enjoy the normal doggie aspects of life. So cool!
The photos are great; I'm glad you posted both so we could see just how quickly the dog-play was over.

"Girls just want to have fun!!!"

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